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Let's get this straight, I am free to work, make money, but YOU & Obama decide how and where MY money is spent? Am I too stupid to do this myself? I work and you confiscate my money for your charities and to right your percieved injustices? Good thing your righteous kind has delivered itself upon this planet for our salvation, we are indebted. funny how this arrangement just happens to make me YOUR SLAVE and conveniently makes you and your brand of ilk the slavemasters? Your kindness and generosity is so convenient. IT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. You've just reinvented the Politburo, a democratic dictatorship.

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Comment by Kaptain Steve
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Link is broken, here's the correct link;

Comment by Kaptain Steve
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Corrected Link Here/Just Click

Comment by Erikthered777
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This illuminati puppet was constructed and used for the color of his skin to dupe the black race in this country. This will also entail many young black males to enlist under his mind control agenda. Obama's hope&change is demonic tyrannt(NWO). Everything he says is a lie.

Comment by Kaptain Steve
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Or maybe just the opposite.  I think he was picked due to his race to win over the liberal white guilt vote, and that he did.  The black vote was a given, as was the Democratic vote, but what wasn't expected was that that white guilt vote crossed party lines and sucked in a lot of on the fencers, and now we pay for it.

Comment by Anonymous
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So, who said racism  was dead? We Libertarians need Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all Free Thinkers to make any Revolution work.

Comment by CharS
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Comment by Anonymous
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Kaptain Steve,  The phony mock-shock of your post is pathetic. You pretend to be sick at heart with the theft of your hard earned wages by Obama, but the IRS has been doing the same thing for decades now, but because the "communist" does it, its evil and pisses you off? Why weren't you just as disgusted when the IRS did it? Oh, because they aren't communists, and therefore have your best interests at heart? Such a pretense is not convincing at all, and makes you look like a whiner. 

Comment by Kaptain Steve
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To say my writing exhibits a "phony mock-shock" is just to say that you don't know me, or you just want to knock what I'm saying so rather than attack what I've said, you come up with the usual, where were you before insult.  O-bots love that one, "well you said nothing when Bush did this or that" etc..

 I can't for the life of me understand why you had to have bitched about Bush or the IRS before you can attack the Annointed One?

You are right, I am more pissed off now, at Obomb than Bush, but how does that make what I've said  wrong?  It doesn't.  It just distracts.  And for the record, I've always been against Federal taxes, the IRS and Bush.  And, I am not sure you are right that being a Communist in the White House makes things worse, those, but it does piss me off even more than a Republican.

 Finally, the whole point of my post was just that, to whine.   But, at least I'm not an O-bot on Freedom's Phoenix pretending not to be.

 Kaptain Steve,  The phony mock-shock of your post is pathetic. You pretend to be sick at heart with the theft of your hard earned wages by Obama, but the IRS has been doing the same thing for decades now, but because the "communist" does it, its evil and pisses you off? Why weren't you just as disgusted when the IRS did it? Oh, because they aren't communists, and therefore have your best interests at heart? Such a pretense is not convincing at all, and makes you look like a whiner.

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