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Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Yo!  If you're gonna compare Obama to anybody, why don't you compare him to Bush and then, compare Bush to Hitler?  It would only be fair, if y'all weren't such racists and hypocrites!


Coincidentally, here you are tootting Obama as a black Hitler and, directly across this piece of garbage called an article, is another telling you how he's gonna allow the senior mobs to bring  their weapons to the town hall circus, what does that say about the guy and y'all?  No doubt Bush would have allowed you to do that, right?

Comment by Sharon Jarvis
Entered on:

Could we please stop with the nonsensical comparisons?  Not to mention the misleading articles.  Bush's lies led to the deaths of approximately 4,000 soldiers and maybe a million Iraqis.  And let us not forget that TARP started under his administration as well.  By the way, I don't trust anything that "freedom fighter" radio says, so please stop quoting them.

Comment by Jet Lacey
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Jim Stachowiak IS Freedom Fighter Radio.

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 Has anyone come to the suspicion that Lucky Red is a police or FBI provocateur? He seems to disagree with anything and everything and is always trying to insult or stir up peoples negative emotions. For someone that is so unhappy and disagrees with so many articles on FP it begs the question. Why are you here and why don't you go to other sites that follow and mirror your political views ? You agree with nothing and contribute nothing but annoying static. Which department do you work for? 

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