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A UK Home Office cabinet committee brought up the specter of the Great Plague and burial pits used during the seventeenth century.

Ambellass story followed a harrowing report by D. H. Williams of the Daily Newscaster in February. Williams reported on revelations of an Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago who detailed FEMA and DHS discussions with county officials about the prospect of mass graves and a mass vaccination program.

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Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Bring it on!  I can't wait!  Woo hoo!  I've already sign up to dig graves on my time off...I plan to become rich after this one and open up my own cementary!

Comment by freedomfighterradio
Entered on:

I will not take the shot, And if anyone tries to force it on me they will be handled the same way that we lawful gunowners will handle someone attacking us with a knife.

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