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Economic Policy Journal

Commenter Nynjadoc makes a number of important points at my Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill post, including the curious fact that MSM's coverage of the Healthcare bill seems to be very narrow in scope, with no discussion at all about the seeming likely cut off in medical care to the elderly, and the likelihood that private insurance could be eventually eliminated because of the Obama plan. He also notes an intriguing connection between Michelle Obama and big pharma. His points are important enough to reproduce here: Yes all the diabolic comments are accurate. This bill should be called, instead of Universal Healthcare, Euthanasia/Healthcare. Second, isn't it odd that it's getting almost NO media outrage. The implications of this make Katrina pale by comparison and yet we're only being allowed to hear about the financial consequences.

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Comments in Response

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 "...including the curious fact that MSM's coverage of the Healthcare bill seems to be very narrow in scope..."

Unlike their coverage of everything else that's relevant, right?  Cause when it comes to other important issues, their coverage is broad, deep, ample, truthful, informative, unbiased & educational, eh?


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