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But it keeps growing. Like a mutation. In fact, it went into overdrive this weekend with the release of a supposedly newly found alleged bith certificate showing President Obama’s birthplace to be Mombasa, Kenya.   So what might be that illustrious tipping point today? An inside job. An implosion. A self-cratering. Whatever you want to call it, it wasn’t pretty. But, strangely, you can’t look away. The circus began when Orly Taitz, a longtime chieftain of the birther posse (and a dentist), appeared with MSNBC host David Shuster this afternoon to discuss the document.   Shuster, who is no friend to the right, was actually pretty gentle with his guest seeming to be aware that he really didn’t need to do much — at all — to precipitate the train wreck. It was like he was a super-gifted weatherman who accurately predicted a 100 percent chance of meltdown. 

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Comment by oOoOo Starchild oOoO
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Comment by oOoOo Starchild oOoO
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 I don't know where Obama was born. But I just watched the video, and my impression was much different than Thomas Costanzo's. It seemed to me that Orly Taitz did have an answer to the question about how the Honolulu newspapers could publish Obama's birth notices, namely that they would just take a family member's word for it. It was kind of hard to hear what she was saying with all the back-and-forth -- the MSNBC anchors definitely were *not* giving her time to explain -- but it sounded like she was saying the family had the newspaper notices published not because they knew Obama would seek the presidency 40+ years later, but for immigration reasons. My guess is that Obama's parents felt it would be easier for his father to become a citizen, if they told the INS that Obama was born in Hawaii rather than Kenya, and the INS might not have asked for proof of this tangential point beyond newspaper notices.

Comment by Hawkeye
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Shuster`s parents won`t even let him on their property.

Comment by Patrick Wood
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This "news" reporter and article is as prejudiced and ignorant as it could possibly be with words like "mutation, implosion, meltdown...". A very disappointing article (if supported) by a site proclamed as "FreedomsPhoenix"! Further Orly is among other things (like a dentist) a California lawyer. This fact conveniently and seemingly purposely left out. Childish name calling and attemps to discredit and divert attention is what is expected now from anyone that can not just show us ALL the documents that would resolve this issue. Smug, discounting looks on air and not allowing anyone to answer without being badgered, is proof enough for me to place credibility of MSNBC in file 13.

Comment by Dennis Ellis
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Judging by this article, and what was actually in the video, I've come to the conclusion that Thomas Costanzo is an obvious shill for the Democrat Party. This article is not only inaccurate, but dishonest. These so-called reporters approached the story in an unprofessional, insulting, condescending manner instead of taking a neutral stance and getting all sides out. Since when did it become professional for reporters to giggle after ganging up on a "guest"? Pathetically one-sided reporting from this alleged news channel as well as the author of this article. This birth certificate issue may or may not be real, but I'd like for someone, somewhere in the media to shut up, stop trying to inject your personal opinions, and let me hear both sides for once! Expect more Obama worship drivel from Costanzo.

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