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Buffalohair Gazette International

Daw Aung Suu Kyi of Burma is not looking to be rescued and liberated from bondage contrary to the well meaning world. If that were the case she would have been released from incarceration and shipped out of the country, never to return. She is standing for her nation and the thousands of political prisoners. Likened to the woefully misguided John William Yettaw, the world press is filled with rhetoric and inadvertently promoting the sham 2010 election. The notion Burma’s proposed election is anywhere near legal is totally incorrect at the very least and contrary to international law, plain and simple. The criminal regime of Gen. Than Shwe’s regime does not fall into any category within the context of legitimate nations by any means. It’s merely a band of thugs who’ve made a mockery of international law in the face of an impotent world. To hear world leaders continue to ask for Aung San Suu Kyi’s release so the bogus election can continue with legitimacy is nothing more than a contra

News Link • Global Reported By Carlos Guevara

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