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Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 If what you say is true that the Fed is a government entiy why is it that when you try to look up the Fed in the phone book under the goverment section it is not there? Even the government could not make such a big mistake. They don't even claim it to be part of the goverment! So Edwin, go fly a kite.

Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

UH? is this a JOKE? Whoever this person is, is sprewing lies out. Actually better, this person is a CIA or FED agent. NO one should listen to this crap nor believe it. The Fed Reserve is Illegal! Period. They are the enemy and should be shut down. I'd sure like to know where my money is and where it goes. If they are so secret they cannot be in this country. I'd say, Down with the FED RESERVE and this Edwin Sumcad is a FRAUD!

Comment by CoolFool
Entered on:

There is only one point in your article with which I agree completely, quote "To express a protest or dislike for any reason is a constitutional right". Any by that quote I assume you are referring to the 1st amendment. Although that in itself is under such attack and almost non-existent anymore. Edwin, you opened up a whole can of whoopass. However eloquently put, even with your "case history" of judges who ruled otherwise, there are numerous points (too many to mention here) that you conveninently ignored which are also written history which negate your stronghold. I seriously doubt that you will make any converts here. And if that is the best you can throw out there to sway people over the fence, then you are surely dillusional and of the minority. NEXT!

Comment by FreeDomMonkey
Entered on:

 Why post the psychotic free association ramblings of a fool like this?  If I wanted to be exposed to this nonsense I'd turn to the MSM.

Comment by quasi-political
Entered on:

Is that your entire case for the FED? We all know the FED was an act of congress. Of course the courts will defend and protect its legality as a government institution. Like you said, quid pro quo. That is not much of an argument, if you want to call it that. The Constitution also guarantees no direct unapportioned taxes yet the IRS is still "legally" able to enforce a graduated tax scale. Haven't seen much interest from the courts on that matter; just a mound of obscure legal jargon which is open to interpretation, as is the Constitution, apparently. The 16th amendment and the federal reserve act were both committed in 1913, coincidence? You obviously still view the state as a friendly humanitarian assembly of people doing what is best for you and the rest of society. Here's another example; in the states opinion there is nothing wrong with aspartame, bovine growth hormones, genetically modified foods, fluoridation, and subsidizing all the industries that are killing people. The FDA and the USDA are no more themselves then they are Monsanto. So what is it that you are defending? Ultimate corruption of power?

Comment by Jaime Yarbrough
Entered on:

Regardless of the ownership of the Fed. the fact remains it should have no immunity to being audited as any wholesome accountable institution of a freely elected peoples government. 

Comment by CoolFool
Entered on:

Hey FreeDomMonkey,

I applaude FP for the opportunity for people (be they right or wrong) to express their opinions. And in this case, I expected and enjoy the rebuttal from all those who post their comments to this fairytale of a story.

Comment by rachel cody
Entered on:

What an arrogant writer. He went out of his way to insult those with opposing views and brand people, such as myself, as ignorant, arrogant and self serving.  

The simple fact is that FED was never ratified by the states which makes it illegal to begin with. Doesn't matter what the "judges" declare or what cases went before them. The Fed was never legal for it was never ratified. End of story. 

Comment by Accurate Perception
Entered on:

The most fundamental problem with the Federal Reserve System is that it is a de facto open ended credit card. 


Prior to 1913 the federal government had to go to the people to fund their operations.

But with the inception of the Federal Reserve System,  a group of bankers create money magically out of vapor and loan it at interest to our government.

The Federal Reserve System stands ready to loan the productivity of the nation to the most demonstrably corrupt group of people in this nation.  Politicians.

Without the essential check and balance of the people voting with their pocket book, our government has enslaved us, our children, and their children.

A nations money needs to be as equitable as its set of "weights and measures". 

Each monetary unit of equal value for all users. 

Not freely created and manipulated by some.  Not forcibly pushed on others.

Comment by Surfyogi Dave
Entered on:

What a pompous arse, spewing a load of stinking, steaming dung!  There are too many inaccuracies and misrepresentations to address, but let's start with the term he used regularly: instrumentality: a means; serving some purpose.  A hammer is used by a carpenter as an instrumentality to drive nails into wood.  It doesn't mean the hammer is a carpenter, nor does it mean the hammer is allowed to join the Union.  It's a tool.  The government is allowed to create instrumentalities to assist in governing.  Secondly, even if they were legally established and part of the government, which of the 3 branches do they belong to?  Executive?  No.  Judicial?  No.  Legislative?  Again, no!   And why do they always hide behind the fact that they are NOT a part of the government that they therefore don't have to answer the questions? Eg. "Where did the bailout money go?"  "We will not tell you".  WTF? Furthermore, if they're the 8th wonder of the world as you imply, then why is 1 dollar now worth 3.3 cents compared to its value in 1913 when this PRIVATE institution was created through deception and an outright lie as to it having been ratified?  You are a disgrace to the concept of truth.  That horror of an entity created the depressions (and the one that is coming at us right now!) and has brought nothing but a continuously devaluing currency, lower living standards, the removal of our gold and silver backing (making it much easier for them to manipulate the "value" of our currency) and violating the crystal clear dictates of our beloved Constitution in doing so.  I could go on and on at the inane ludicrous nature of this article.  How much did your handlers pay you...Judas?  Why don't you follow in his footsteps just a little bit further and do us all a favor?





Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

I love you guys.  I have also had considerable to drink...$5 22 oz. Kiltlifters.  Yum. 

Comment by Dave Hodges
Entered on:

 Are you auditioning for a for a job in the treasury department? 

Let's check to see if this guy has paid  his taxes.  

 If they ever make a movie about the FED they will probably call it The Planet of the Rapes. Speaking of planets, which one are you on? Simply amazing!

Say hello to Ben and Timothy for us. Good thing I do not have my finger on the delete key!

Comment by Rick Meyers
Entered on:


This author has to be somehow related to feds or is a fed. Then to try and misconstrue the court cases to exploit the unwitting is not only asinine but out right perverted. Can anyone say propaganda! Hitler supporter, etc.

Comment by Rick Meyers
Entered on:


As for the FED Reserves: Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982) Plaintiff, who was injured by vehicle owned and operated by a federal reserve bank, brought action alleging jurisdiction under the Federal Tort Claims Act. The United States District Court for the Central District of California, David W. Williams, J., dismissed holding that federal reserve bank was not a federal agency within meaning of Act and that the court therefore lacked subject-matter jurisdiction. Appeal was taken. The Court of Appeals, Poole, Circuit Judge, held that federal reserve banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the Act, but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations.
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