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The mother of football star Pat Tillman, who was killed by friendly fire in 2004 but whose fratricide was deliberately kept from the public and his family, says a general’s testimony to Congress is yet another lie by a military officer about her son’s death. Testifying in his confirmation hearing as Obama’s new commander for Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal said he “didn’t see any activity by anyone to deceive” the public about the circumstances of Tillman’s death. The death was first reported as a result of enemy fire; Tillman was held up as a hero and quickly received the Silver Star. McChrystal personally helped expedite Tillman’s Silver Star award, even though he later acknowledged he had “suspicions” that the ex-NFL star had been killed by his own men. CNN reports that Tillman’s mother says McChrystal knew at the memorial service that her son died from friendly fire.

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