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Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:
You are right--The US should stay out of Israel's affairs. Israel is a terrorist state, and the US taxpayers should stop sending them money or weapons. Let all those psychos in the Middle East fight it out for themselves. If you are so gung ho for one side or the other, the IDF will be happy to sign you up on their side where you can terrorize innocent civilians to your heart's content.


Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:
I doubt the IDF would take me due to my age. However, I have not seen any credible evidence that Israel is a "terrorist state". However, if you would present it I would be interested in reading it.

The claims made about Israel's human rights abuses are coming from their critics who are mainly radical Islamists and their sympathizers (some of whom are Jewish - go figure) who have a vested interest in destroying the country's credibility with the end goal of killing the Jews.

However, am I to take your comments that you are a potential candidate to fight with Hamas or Hezbollah?

If not, I would suggest you or Stephen Lendman go live there for a while and see how they trat Jews and non-Muslims. If you survive, then live in Israel and decide which of the two places you would rather live.

Comment by Sharon Jarvis
Entered on:

Finally, someone who understands that a so-called two-state solution isn't a solution. When Israel was created, the U.N. also set aside a huge territory meant for the Palestinians--it's called Jordan. The U.N. left two small tracts "unassigned." Funny how no Arab country wants either Gaza or the West Bank. Or that Palestinians, when given the opportunity, never can agree on a separate country...because what they want is the country of Israel. After all, why go to the trouble of properly establishing a functioning country and government when you can take over someone else's?

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