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Comment by Dean Philpot
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 Dave this is a powerful piece. I'm sending it to my doubting friends.

Comment by jonathan scobie
Entered on:

 Dave, at the end of this evenings broadcast you were saying that lots of people even Dr Savage were thinking that a false flag attack with some of our own leaders involved was coming. I AGREE.

However once it does, it will be blamed on  DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

The same "threat" you and your guest were warning us about. Do you realize that your helping set the table for the real terrorists by hyping the domestic terrorism threat ?

When you say DOMESTIC TERRORISM, your pointing the finger at the American citizens, yourself, me and your audience.

Domestic terrorism is their new patsy and you helped tonight to further their agenda, did you ever think about that? People who think our gov is the terrorists arent domestic terrorists.

Do you understand ?


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