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Comment by William1950
Entered on:

I have listened to the wailing of the new administration, bankers and Wall Street fat cats. I disagree with them. America, my America is strong, healthy and with the proper tweaks will shoot out of this hole greed and a two party political system has dig.
To start banks have to take some of the blame along with the politicians. I suggest, and many will disagree, that by odred of the government banks have to cut by thirty three percent all remaining principal on any property loans. The individuls who have been making the payments will also be able to refi at one percent. Only one loan per household. Banks would have to write off one sixth of the loan and the other one sixth would be cash from the government. The banks could then pass that loss on as a tax loss. This would free up billions monthly. Money that is already in the system. Money that would be used to purchase large ticket items and pay off other loans. I also suggest that every wage earner, with each check, using the gross amount has to purchase United States Savings bonds. They have to use three percent of that gross each month to purchase the bonds. This would mean we would not have to buy from China and the interst on those bonds would go to Americans. They would mature, double in ten years.
America is rich. We do not need China or Europe to tell us what to do. What we do need is a few in Washington or the media that will say the truth. We are rich, we can as a nation crawl out of this hole and we will put Americans first instead of saving the world.

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

...or, we could have a revolution.

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