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Comment by Jet Lacey
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You're wrong. Leftism ruins our nation's republic. Diversity enriches our nation's republic.

I've read a lot of your columns, and in summation I've come to one conclusion.....I may be drunk, but you sure are full of sh*t. This racist Anti-Mexican bullsh*t will get you absolutely nowhere, Jack. It's ugly man, really ugly.

The only reason I'm not completely for full amnesty is because they are using it as a pretext for creating the North American Union/New World Order. If they weren't busy trying to make us all poor then there'd be more than plenty for all of us.

Hey, I've got an idea; why don't you take your Tony Orlando mustache (that only cops and leather fags wear) and try to reach deep and find it within yourself to be a human being for once. It's liberating, you know.

A human being is someone who welcomes in everyone from all walks of life and understands humans' vast similarities far outweigh our few differences.

Besides, you think I want to look at people that look just like you and me all the time? Hell, no. Variety is the spice of life.

Truthfully, I can't stand eugenicists. Why don't you read National Security Study Memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger? Trust me, you ain't in their plans for being one of the 20% they want to keep.


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