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Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

Listen to someone that knows something about the fed like Ron Paul and not this idiot ! Who in the fed is paying him to spout this crap ? This is nothing but disinformation trying to conceal the truth. We do not need the fed they need us! Without them we would have our money and they would be the ones that are broke! Think about it !

Comment by Lolo
Entered on:

To Editorial Management: This name-calling abuse of the author should be removed. It violates this websites' editorial notice/guideline posted above, to wit: "We do encourage everyone to be civil and not make rude attacks on other people in the Forum." The above comment attacks the author, not the issues raised in his work. Please delete this abuse to give way to incoming "civil" [civilized] comments. We have an important discussion here and intelligent -- not "crude or lewd" participation should be encouraged.

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

Attempted censorship, watch out people! It looks like big brother is at work again.

Comment by CharS
Entered on:

re Lolo: Suggest you read it again: the author's blatant bias is being attacked and a legitimate argument against the Fed Reserve is made. Please take your censorship bent elsewhere; this is still America and YOU are not the only one entitled to an opinion.

Comment by practicalmadman
Entered on:

go back to sleep lolo. This man is 100% paid by the FED to say this biased stuff. He is 100% wrong in his definition of what the FED is. Is is NOT any morr Federal that Federal Express and that is a fact that blows all of his article out of the water!

Comment by Lolo
Entered on:
Forming a personal opinion on issues are encouraged. Launching a personal attack is prohibited by the posted guideline and I insist that it be removed.

What censorship are you talking about? When the announced/posted guideline of this website warns not to make "rude attacks on other people in the Forum ..." is that censorship? If you think it is, please call the editorial staff's attention -- maybe Ernest can help -- and tell them that to your hurting mind, this is "censorship". I am only calling your attention to this posted guideline on how to make a comment in this Forum.

You continue to ignore this guideline as if you cannot understand it. Still you guys cannot go beyond the person of the author. Rather than letting your contrary views meet his, you can't do it. Name-calling is what is left if one runs out of good reasons to argue. Ignorance is still on top of not knowing what is the U.S. Federal Reserve, and what it is all about. Obviously those who have not gone to school to learn it, are the loudest!

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