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Comment by Brock
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Jeff Flake: he had me right up to "we".

Comment by Veritas Vincit
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Since the advent of Karl Rove, Nathan Sproul, and the likes of Jon Kyl who accompanied Bush 41 to the White House, the Republican Party has been fractured. Necons are NOT Republicans. Republicans win on their platform and values, Neocons rape and pillage then waltz away with their loot.

No Jeff, "we" didn't loose - those the likes of Kyl and Bush led the blind (or ambitious like Shadegg) down the road of destruction to Obamanation. You watch, Kyl will step from the Senate into the Judiciary while Shadegg takes the reigns of power in Arizona and moves to the Senate.

Unless Republicans in Arizona wake up and begin once again holding to their platform and values, this slide into Obamanation will continue.

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