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Comment by G Cone
Entered on:

I haven't read Frosty's stuff in depth but he has a point that the population cannot just continue to grow indefinitely without reaching a point of unstustainability. There are no shortages of natural resources such as water, oil, etc., just a overabundance of people. I don't know what the answer is though. The thought has occurred to me that a start would be to stop socializing child care. I don't have kids, why should I subsidize health care, education, daycare, etc. for those who do? If you want to have a kid, ask yourself if you can afford to raise it. However, people starving in Africa can't even feed themselves yet they just can't seem to stop farting out bunches of ankle-biters. I agree that unchecked population growth is a problem but I don't claim to know what the answer is. 

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:

My highest affection, respect and honor go to Ernie Hancock at FreedomsPhoenix.  While Thomas Paine changed the course of American history with his sharp and pointed writing, I too, attempt to educate and inspire to action--all Americans and all citizens from Arizona.  At this juncture in our history, massive and unending immigration whether legal or illegal cannot continue if we hope to have this civilization to survive in the 21st century.  As pointed out by other comments, yes, we don't have a lack of water and other resources--we suffer too many people. And, as you read my 40 part series on overpopulation, you cannot help but understand that immigration is the driving force that will push this civilization into chaos and unsustainability.  I thank Ernie for his forthright integrity and, really, all writers at FreedomsPhoenix. It's vital that we all enjoy our 1st Amendment rights.  Thank you Ernie.  Frosty

Comment by jpa
Entered on:


There is one major flaw in your argument: the slogan of

You cannot at the same time say that your site is about providing a free speech haven while saying "Uncovering the secrets & exposing the lies".  It can be one or the other but not both.

 I suggest you choose what you want this to be, and then pursue that (whichever it is).  Both are worthy goals, but together create a philosophical hypocrisy that will cause problems.

(And for the record one cannot be sane and claim to be pro freedom and for closed or controlled borders.)

Comment by hatchcar
Entered on:

 If the US was a true free nation, this wouldn't even be an issue.  In fact, with all the wealth creation that would take place in a society that isn't taxed and regulated like the US is, we would be inviting immigrants here to work, and to assilimlate in this society. 

As far as "overpopulation", sorry, but this is a joke.  If you look at how many people per square mile as a indication of the "overpopulation", you will see that Hong Kong is probably the most densley populated region in the world.  Last time I check, even though the Chinese are running the show, they haven't fallen off the face of the earth.

To those doomsayers, and other Maulthusians are preach this stuff, I would refer you to the great book, "The Ultimate Resource", by the late Julian Simon.  It's a real eye opener. 

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