Article Image The secrets of frequency and vibrations, the cymatics of our hidden past.


The secrets of frequency and vibrations, the cymatics of our hidden past.

Written by Subject: Science, Medicine and Technology

What our ancestors knew was that sound is able to manifest light and the physical form which includes you. Even in the scriptures it says in the beginning there was a word.

Word = Sound, Sound = Frequency. Your body is composed 70% of primarily water. How do you think different sounds, frequencies and music may affect your health, good & bad?

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Comment by PureTrust
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Science is explained to us lay people in lies. Here is what I mean. Sound and frequency need a medium to travel through. Sound won't travel if there isn't air/water/a-solid to travel though. Like sound, the electromagnetic frequencies of light and radiation also need a medium to travel through. They have such a medium in the form of space. However, space isn't emptiness as it seems. Emptiness isn't a medium that anything can travel through. Rather, space only SEEMS to be empty to us, because the material that we are made up of is electromagnetic vibrations just like light and radiation. The thing that we call empty space, is really an elastic solid made up of all kinds of vibrations all interacting with each other. Their interactions are so complex that science can't begin to understand it, so scientists delude us with a false narrative - empty space - so they can control our thinking. Think about it.
