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Robert Welch (JBS) | On the Communist Plot to Destroy America (1958)

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Communism

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Comment by dreamer
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Welch identifies the UN as a leading entity of communism/world government. The UN was created by Wall Street financiers. WS funded the Bolshevik revolution. Alex Solzhenitsyn revealed WS repeatedly saved the USSR from bankruptcy. John Flynn revealed in WHILE YOU SLEPT that WS put Mao into power in China. The handling of any government money is subject to a GAO audit by any congressional committee. An audit of the FRBNY's exclusive handling of funds from the auctions of Treasury securities [>$15 Trillion annually], which includes selling components of Deficit Spending securities, would be interesting. It could involve the disappearance of $34 Trillion. Ref. 31 CFR §375.3.