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Ernest Hancock in Acapulco where he is the Emcee of Anarchapulco 2023 - RESIST!

Written by Subject: Anarchapulco

Ernest Hancock in Acapulco where he is the Emcee of Anarchapulco 2023 - RESIST!

The World's Premier Liberty Event • February 6-10, 2023 • Acapulco, Mexico. Anarchapulco is an annual anarcho-capitalist and voluntaryist festival held in Acapulco, Mexico. It was founded by Canadian-Dominican activist and entrepreneur Jeff Berwick in 2015.

The ninth annual Anarcho-capitalist agorist conference is taking place on February 6-10, 2023.

We are keeping the virtual in-person hybrid event you all loved so much last year. 

Our VIP event will take place in sunny Acapulco. We're offering five days of:

 - jam-packed content

- high vibe parties

- amazing food

- a beautiful tropical venue, right by the beach.

If you can't make it in-person, you can access the same content online through our virtual event.

Join us as we take back our power and slice through this shady plandemic! Featuring cutting-edge doctors, nurses, activists and artists standing up in the fight against tyranny, corrupt systems, and bad actors who seek to control the human population.

Welcome to the resistance!

We've added a second week of decentralized fun known as Agoraforko, February 11-18!
(Included in VIP ticket or separate ticket required)?









Here are some pictures from Acapulco/Anarchapulco...

Thursday February 9th...

Brent Kaufman - Marsh's Children's Home Food Independence Program



Young entrepreneur/agorist:


Panel - Creating Sustainable Communities:


Danny Sessom - The Crypto Show:


Wednesday February 8th...

Rafael Laverde - The Crypto Family:


Paul Puey - EDGE wallet - DeFi (decentralized finance); crypto's path to privacy:


Jose Rodriguez - Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies & Stablecoins - alternative financial systems in LATAM ( Latin America):


Thomas Walls - Liberland:


Colin Cantrell ( - Connecting a Decentralized World:


Anarchapulco NFT's:


Rocelo Lopez (from Brazil) - connecting blockchain with 'bankchain':


Alt market currency - Juan Castro Soto - Tumin - alternative money:

Danny Sessom (The Crypto Show) invited Juan Castro to Anarchapulco, and has introduced him to the community (in Acapulco) and now several of the communities/vendors are wanting to set up Tumin alt currency. Also helping Tumin get on the blockchain:





Dr Sarah Grace Manski - Spatial Web/Metaverse:






Audio/Visual Guys (awesome to work with!):










Tuesday February 7th...

Networking Meeting:



Becca Tzigani (Sacred Activism) - very interesting talk:






Monday February 6th...

Walking on the beach on our way back to the hotel:



Ron Paul (VIP Dinner Event):

     Colin Cantrell ( on the harp



     Other musicians:





Ron Paul (Main Stage):



Daniel McAdams, Ernest Hancock, Ron Paul:


Larken Rose - Specific, Personal  and Literal Truth:




Max Igan (The Crowhouse) - The Stark Reality of the World Today:



Dan Dicks (Press for Truth) - fighting censorship, activism, looking for truth:



Kids from Marsh Children's Home (orphanage) - some of the proceeds from auctions at Anarchapulco go to help the orphanage:



Getting ready for the start of Anarchapuclo 2023:







Sunday February 5th...

Apocalypso Launch Party - Main Stage:

















Chris Horlacher ('Fighting the Five Eyes') (Click HERE for a link to the show Ernest did with Chris):





Walking along the beach in Bonfil, MX:


View of beach/ocean from rooftop patio at Casa Jaguar:



Ernie and Dan Dicks (Press for Truth) sharing morning coffee on the rooftop patio at Casa Jaguar (Acapulco, MX):



Saturday February 4th...

Max Igan in front of his bar in Acapulco:


Fri February 3rd...

Sand dunes Glamis, Southern California west of Yuma, Arizona














Gas prices (AZ):


