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Why Hasn't Matt Taibbi Reported on these Documents Proving State Action Against Free Speech?

Written by Subject: Voting - Election Integrity

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Big Tech and Government Censorship has Manuals... and Dr Shiva discovered them (YEARS AGO)

Discovered in use for the 2020 election cycle... what's the MSM response? Dr Shiva has entered in a court case the Manuals (evidence) of 1st Amendment violation 'by design'.


PDFs of Manuals linked to Manual Graphics BELOW - Downloading to save may be a good idea (Pirate Boxers may wish to save as IPFS files)

2021 Red Pill Presentation - Election Info starts at 30 mins. 30 Seconds

Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives a lecture and PowerPoint presentation at the Red Pill Expo in South Dakota on his David vs Goliath lawsuit. 

A video clip that is going viral with Dr.Shiva being asked by an interviewer if he is worried for his life is played and the crowd cheers to his response. Then when Dr.Shiva comes out of the stage everyone gives a standing ovation.

Dr.Shiva gives insight to the story of David vs Goliath, explaining we are all David's, we think we are at a disadvantage. The Philistine army sent out Goliath for a one on one battle and only David was confident with his skills as a shepherd.

The Partner Support Portal that was discovered was built originally in England for the parliamentary security forces to track British Citizens and then it was tested in India, then Taiwan, and here in the US. 

The Goliath here is the Government & Twitter along with the institutions that architect these technology infrastructures that are designed to launder censorship for the Government. The Government launders censorship.

(Publisher: Discovered in use for the 2020 election cycle... what's the MSM response? Dr Shiva has entered in a court case the Manuals (evidence) of 1st Amendment violation 'by design')

The Intercept "DHS Leaks" is PLAGIARISM, Manipulation & Hijacking by the Intercept of Dr. SHIVA's Work in Order to INTENTIONALLY CONCEAL Intercept Boss Pierre Omidyar's Role in Creating the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure That Dr. SHIVA Discovered TWO YEARS AGO in His Historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit Ayyadurai v. Twitter, et al

Updated on November 5, 2022

"It's easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled." – Mark Twain

Dr. SHIVA's Historic First Amendment Lawsuit to Win Back Freedom: First Case in U.S. To Show Government MADE Twitter Silence Political Speech
(There are Harvard produced manuals that provide direct censorship process for governments to direct Big Tech deplatforming. This is in court right now)
