Biden Regime Obstruction of Visa Issuance to Russia's General Assembly Delegation

Written by Subject: Russia

Biden Regime Obstruction of Visa Issuance to Russia's General Assembly Delegation

by Stephen Lendman

An earlier article asked whether dominant Biden regime hardliners would breach terms of the 1947 agreement between the UN and US.

It affirmed that the world body's New York City headquarters is international territory.

That "(t)he UN shall have (sole) power to make regulations, operative within the headquarters district, for the purpose of establishing therein conditions in all respects necessary for the full execution of its functions."

That US "federal, state or local authorities…shall not impose any impediments to transit to or from the headquarters district" by UN member-state officials, their families, press, world body recognized NGOs, "or other persons invited to the headquarters."

Nor shall US officials obstruct them in any way while in New York for UN-related activities.

As international territory, the US has no legal or other authority over the UN's NYC headquarters.

Yet time and again throughout US history, its ruling authorities breached, in one form or other, virtually everything they agreed on.

It's proof positive that the empire of lies and forever wars on invented enemies can never be trusted — that diplomatic outreach to its regimes is a colossal waste of time.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, commented on Russia's involvement in the UN General Assembly's 77th session —  what began on September 13.

Following its customary practice of obstructing, delaying or denying the issuance of visas to delegations from Russia and other nations free from the scourge of its imperial control to attend annual General Assembly sessions in New York — in flagrant breach of the 1947 agreement, what forbids such actions — US visas were belatedly issued for Sergey Lavrov and other Russian delegates involved in this year's GA sessions, bilateral meetings and multilateral events.

Later this month, Lavrov will address the GA's 77th session, Zakharova explained.

He'll also meet with counterparts from 20 or more other nations and participate in various multinational events.

He'll also meet with imperial tool, UN secretary general Guterres, at his request.

Zakharova stressed that Russian delegates "will uphold their positions of principle at this (year's GA) session."

They'll "continue advocating for the strengthening of the UN's central coordinating role in world affairs and strict observance of its Charter, including (core) principles of sovereign equality of states and non-interference in their internal affairs."

"We believe that the global organization remains the nucleus of the multilateral system and the only truly universal forum for resolving urgent problems of our time."

At the same time, it's clear how US-dominated Western regimes use the world body as a platform to promote their destructive agenda — while strong-arming and otherwise pressure world community nations to bend to their will.

They also demonize, bully and threaten independent nations, ones unwilling to sacrifice their sovereignty and souls to a higher power in Washington.

These tactics repeat with disturbing regularity in flagrant breach of the UN Charter, other international law and the 1947 agreement explained above — as well as in more detail in an earlier article.

At this year's GA session, Russia will "focus on countering (US/Western) attempts to undermine authority of the global organization and subdue it to (their on) whims," Zakharova explained, adding:

The Russian delegation will also "promote many initiatives on key international issues (despite) the unfavorable backdrop (of this year's) session."

Russia's team will present new GA draft resolutions for strengthening arms control, promoting disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as preventing the militarization of space.

And Russia will seek to establish universal rules of conduct "in the information space and (to counter) the glorification of Nazism" — what's spearheaded by hegemon USA-dominated Western vassals. 

On the sidelines of this year's session, foreign ministers of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will meet to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern.

At this time, Russia remains concerned about whether the Biden regime will obstruct the ability of its delegates to reach UN headquarters — and whether other hostile actions will be taken against them while in New York.

Hegemon USA is duty-bound by international law and the 1947 agreement to facilitate, not obstruct, UN member-states from pursuing their legitimate interests and activities at the world body's headquarters.

Yet it's well known that the empire of lies and forever wars operates exclusively by what it deceptively calls its "rule-based order" — what flagrantly breaches the letter and spirit of core international and its own constitutional law.
