Article Image A sovereign, private city, with a private zip code, police force etc...


A sovereign, private city, with a private zip code, police force etc... [PUBLISHER RECOMMENDED]

Written by Subject: Property Rights

Lets say we "give away" 1/4 acre lots for people to build on for free. (they must build a home and they cant sell for 5 years) Like the Homesteading Act back in the 1800's. Lets say we get the Murphy land, that would allow us to have 5000 people (that we vet)  sign up, CNN and all the media will be there. We will do a race for people to stake their claim. (99 year lease) We will give them several options to choose from in terms of what kind of homes they can build, they will be our customers for utilities, construction and we will get a vig off each mortgage too. When we have 2000 plus people sign on, you can make it a city instead of a town. Its going to be an international story! A soverign, private city, with out own private zip code, police force etc.