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The American Way: Forever Wars on Invented Enemies

Written by Subject: United States

The American Way: Forever Wars on Invented Enemies

by Stephen Lendman

Differences aside, both wings of the US war party are likeminded on waging forever wars on invented enemies by hot and/or other means.

After a humiliating defeat in Southeast Asia a half century ago, hegemon USA's preferred modus operandi is proxy war with Al-Qaeda, ISIS and likeminded jihadist foot soldiers in some theaters, Nazified thugs in another to "cancel" Russia, as Sergey Lavrov explained.

At the same time in pursuit of its diabolical aim to rule the world unchallenged, both wings of the US one-party state support forever hot wars, cold wars, economic wars, financial wars, trade wars, anti-social justice wars, anti-human rights wars, anti-democracy wars, propaganda wars, sanctions wars, tariffs wars, homeland war to eliminate unwanted millions by toxic kill shots, and global war to eliminate billions the same way.

From inception, the US was never beautiful, never democratic, never the land of the free and home of the brave, never a shinning city on a hill.

Today it's an unparalleled global menace to ordinary people yearning to breathe free from its scourge.

It's an imperial state, a warrior state, a terrorist state, a gangster state, a racist state, a mass-surveillance state — a nation of, by and for its privileged few at the expense of its great majority, a nation threatening everyone everywhere.

While its monied interests never had things better — especially Wall Street, Big Oil, Pharma profiteers and its merchants of death — most Americans struggle to get by on rotten low-pay, largely part-time or temp jobs with few or no benefits.

Nearly one-fourth of working-age Americans are jobless.

Ones employed are one or two missed paychecks away from impoverishment, homelessness, hunger and despair.

Post-WW II industrial America no longer exists, most of it offshored to low-wage countries.

At the same time, hegemon USA pours countless trillions of dollars down a black hole of waste, fraud and abuse to perpetuate militarism, war-making, mind-manipulating propaganda war and police state rule at home and abroad.

In pursuit of what's euphemistically called "homeland security," fundamental freedoms have been greatly eroded ahead of eliminating them altogether.

The empire of lies operates the world's largest gulag prison system at home and abroad — locking people in cages, including thousands for political reasons to silence them, notably Julian Assange once extradited by police state Britain to police state USA for the "crime" of truth-telling journalism.

The United States of forever wars on humanity, injustice and service to its privileged few at the expense of most others defines the American way.

Commenting on US perpetual war and perpetual debt, David Stockman stressed that what's going on is "a ticket to fiscal perdition," adding:

Things are so out-of-control that he estimates a US federal debt of an unimaginable $50 trillion by 2032.

Put another way, 50 years after January 1981 when Stockman became Reagan admin. Office of Management and Budget director, the US "public debt will have risen fifty-fold."

Yet clowns masquerading as politicians in Washington OK'd another $40 billion for Ukrainian Nazis.

With more of the same to come — besides billions earlier since 2014 — the new handout "was rushed into law sight unseen and without the benefit of any committee hearings," Stockman explained.

Not a single Dem House or Senate profile in courage opposed the outrageous handout to cutthroat killer Ukrainian Nazis.

Anything involved in waging proxy war on invented enemy Russia is OK with them.

Nor do any of them support the restoration of long gone fiscal discipline.

To date since early 2014, hegemon USA poured around $65 billion into Nazi-infested Ukraine to wage hot war on Donbass along Russia's border.

And since its SMO began three months ago, US proxy war on Russia is prioritized with Ukrainian Nazified and conscript foot soldiers.

No matter that Russia's military is systematically rolling over and degrading Ukrainian troops.

On Sunday, noted military analyst Andrei Martyanov explained what's indisputable, saying:

Russian forces "achieved…overwhelming…superiority" over battered and beaten Ukrainian ones.

Moscow's military aims were "settled from the onset of the SMO."

At the same time, what's at stake goes far beyond Ukraine.

"(E)xistential in nature," it's an "unprecedented" clash of civilizations.

An East/West struggle, Russia is defending itself against hegemonic USA-dominated NATO's rage for unchallenged global rule.

While waging global war would be madness, what's unwinnable by either side if launched, the risk of what's unthinkable is real.

If tactical or thermonukes are used in enough numbers, it's game over for humanity.

The dominant political class in Washington and key NATO capitals pose an unparalleled menace to world peace and humanity's survival.

If they push things too far in pursuit of their diabolical aims, we'll all be doomed.