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Reality v. Farcical US/Western Claims About Russia's SMO in Ukraine

Written by Subject: Ukraine

Reality v. Farcical US/Western Claims About Russia's SMO in Ukraine

by Stephen Lendman

On Monday, puppet Zelensky was shuttled from his Polish hideout to meet with US war secretary Austin and interventionist Blinken in Kiev — before scurrying back to whence he came.

Defying reality, Blinken sounded delusional, claiming:

"Russia is failing (sic). Ukraine is succeeding (sic)." 

"Russia sought as its principal aim to totally subjugate Ukraine (sic), to take away its sovereignty (sic), to take away its independence (sic). That has failed (sic)."

"We…demonstrate(d) our strong ongoing support for the (US-installed and controlled) Ukrainian (puppet regime) and for the Ukrainian people (sic)."

The same ones hegemon USA-dominated NATO doesn't give a hoot about.

Ones the Pentagon and CIA use as cannon fodder for US proxy war on Russia.

So-called US-NATO "strategy (of) massive support for Ukraine, massive pressure against Russia, solidarity with more than 30 countries engaged in these efforts" failed dismally.

Blinken lied claiming that "real results" were achieved (sic).

Matching Blinken's delusions, Austin said the following:

Puppet Zelensky "has the mindset that they want to win (sic), and we have the mindset that we want to help them win (sic)."

"The first step in winning is believing that you can win (sic)."

"We believe that they can win if they have the right equipment, the right support, and we're going to do everything we can to ensure that gets to them."

"We want to see ( that US-controlled, Nazi-infested) Ukraine remains a sovereign country (sic), a democratic country (sic) able to protect its sovereign territory (sic)."

"We want to see Russia weakened to the point where it can't do things like invade Ukraine (sic)."

Further defying reality, Austin falsely claimed that Russia suffered significant military losses in Ukraine (sic), adding:

"A lot of its troops" were lost (sic).

Analyst Larry Johnson's straight talk analysis refreshingly and effectively counters fake news about Russia's SMO in Ukraine.

There's no ambiguity about how things are going.

Ukraine's military is being systematically degraded and smashed.

It's evident by thousands of its forces surrendering to live, not die, hundreds more joining them daily.

Liberating Mariupol from years of Nazified occupation — enforced by state terror — is another clear example.

The same goes for eliminating US/NATO-supplied and home-produced weapons, munitions and military equipment, along with destruction of Ukrainian bases, weapons and fuel depots.

Kiev's command and control was virtually eliminated.

Russian forces control Ukrainian airspace and coastal waters.

Regime forces were separated from each other, many surrounded by Russia's military and isolated.

Kiev's ability to resupply its troops was largely eliminated.

Johnson stressed the following:

US-dominated NATO regimes "are sending a large amount of material equipment and weapon systems to Ukraine and, shortly after they arrive and are being assembled, (they're) blown up (by Russian) missile systems."

"NATO systems (have been) worthless (in trying) to stop (Russian) hypersonic missile strikes."

On US war secretary Austin, Johnson explained the following:

He was "promoted for reasons other than his military accomplishments."

"(S)oldiers I know who served with him in combat theaters charitably describe him as a 'dumb ass' in charge of our national defense." 

"As I recall, he left the military to make mega bucks working for one of the Pentagon's largest defense contractors by helping win new defense contracts for his private sector employer."

Here's more reality on the ground in Ukraine, Johnson explaining:

"(V)ideo evidence…is rife with images of bodies of dead Ukrainians and tons of captured weapons and military supplies."

Russian forces are systematically "grinding (Ukraine's) military capability into dust."

Yet as quoted above:

"Russia is failing (and) Ukraine is succeeding" — according to detached from reality Blinken.

The same goes for Austin claiming that Ukraine "can win (with) the right equipment (and) right support (sic)."

And the NYT as well, falsely claiming that throughout Russia's SMO, puppet "Zelensky decided to personally remain in…Kiev…to reassure his people (sic)" — from his Polish hideout.

And this Times rubbish:

"Zelensky's success (sic) is rooted in the (regime's) ability to operate smoothly (sic) and take measures to help people cope (sic)…to keep the economy afloat and provide essential goods and services (sic)."

Saying "he combined six television stations…into one outlet for news" ignored that the move was all about banning what conflicts with the fabricated official narrative from getting air time.

Especially anything sympathetic toward Russia.

A pathetic figure, Zelensky is detached from reality, largely aware only about what his US handlers tell him.

Spending most of his time hiding out in Poland, he shows up in Kiev only when Western officials arrive — then back to his cross-border hideout after photo-ops.

The reality of what's going on in Ukraine is hidden from public view in the West.

Wearing thin propaganda rubbish alone is featured — by MSM, Biden regime officials, congressional supporters, and their Western counterparts.

Ukraine's battered and beaten military increasingly resembles a punch-drunk prize fighter.

The longer Russia's SMO continues, the more likely it is that it'll go down for the count.

That's one of Russia's main goals — demilitarizing the country, along with deNazifying it.

Noble aims, they deserve widespread support — along with condemning use of Ukraine by the US/West as a platform for perpetual war on Russia.