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Biden Regime Pressure on China to Break from Russia Fails

Written by Subject: China

Biden Regime Pressure on China to Break from Russia Fails

by Stephen Lendman

On Monday, the Biden regime's so-called national security advisor Sullivan met with China's Central Committee official/Foreign Affairs Director Yang Jiechi in Rome.

According to China's Xinhua, Yang "called on the international community to jointly support the Russia-Ukraine peace talks so that substantive results can be achieved as soon as possible."

"All parties should exercise maximum restraint, protect civilians and prevent a large-scale humanitarian crisis," Yang stressed, adding: 

He called for "straighten(ing) out the historical context of the Ukraine issue, get(ting) to the bottom of the problem's origin, and respond(ing) to legitimate concerns of all parties."

Beijing "resolutely opposes any words and deeds that spread false information, or distort and discredit China's position."

A White House readout said little more than "a range of issues in US-China relations" was discussed, "with substantial discussion of" the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Talks on Monday reportedly lasted around seven hours.

No progress was achieved in resolving major differences between both countries.

Over the weekend, Sullivan unacceptably warned of severe "consequences" if China helped Russia evade (illegally imposed US/Western) sanctions.

Beijing minced no words in refusing to go along the West's sanctions war on Russia.

According to Chinese Professor of international relations Li Haidong:

"Given the readout from the White House, we can see that the US only cares about the core issues of its concern, but China paid much attention (to its own) core interests."

"There's a major divergence in that the US (wants) China to (help) solve the Ukraine crisis."

According to an unnamed Biden regime official on Monday:

"We have deep concerns about China's alignment with Russia at this time, and the national security adviser was direct about those concerns and the potential implications and consequences of certain actions."

According to Fudan University's Institute of International Studies dean Wu Xinbo:

"Not only did China's position remain unchanged, but it also refuted rumors and false information that the US had been spreading." 

"It means that the goal of the US for this meeting (to separate Beijing from Moscow on Ukraine) failed."

Separately, Wu stressed that "China (is) very unsatisfied with the Biden (regime's position on) the Taiwan question."

Separately, analyst Cui Heng stressed that ongoing conflict in Ukraine is causing political and economic shockwaves in Europe and worldwide.

Sharply rising prices of food, energy, and food, as well as other products and services sent producer and consumer inflation to decades-high levels.

Russia and Ukraine are breadbasket of Europe countries.

War in Ukraine prevented its seasonal plowing so far, assuring food shortages along with higher prices ahead.

Head of European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, Cui Hongjian, stressed that conflict resolution in Ukraine is contrary to US interests, adding:

Biden regime hardliners have no interest in seeing things resolved by comprise or other means.

Ukraine is a platform used by the US in pursuit of its Eurasian hegemonic aims.

They include containing, marginalizing, weakening and isolating both Russia and China on the world stage, an imperial objective that's failing.

Ahead of Monday's Rome meeting, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian slammed the Biden regime, saying:

It's "been spreading disinformation targeting China on the Ukraine issue, with malicious intentions."

While US/Western and allied countries are falling all over themselves to bash Russia unfairly, China remains restrained.

Last week, its Foreign Minister Wang Yi called Moscow, Beijing's "most important strategic partner."

Bilateral relations are the closest in decades.

All-out US/NATO war on Russia by other means delivered a clear and unequivocal message to Beijing.

It may be next on hegemon USA's target list for a similar all-out assault on its fundamental rights and aims — if it doesn't subordinate them to Washington's interests, a notion Beijing categorically rejects.

On Monday, its Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China is going its "own way" on what's happening in Ukraine, including by "foster(ing) peace talks," adding:

"China is not involved in the crisis, and we do not wish to be affected by the sanctions."

"China has the right to defend its own interests."

"The Ukrainian crisis is a result of the accumulation of Europe's security conflicts." 

"While China encourages Russia and Ukraine to cease fire, we wish to see fair peace talks between Europe and Russia."

Beijing refrained from calling Russia's special military operation in Ukraine an "invasion (or) war."

Both nations are indeed each other's most important strategic partners.

China's President Xi Jinping called Sino/Russia ties stronger than ever, the "best in history," both nations "each other's most trustworthy strategic partners," adding:

"President Putin and I have built good working relations and a close personal friendship."

The alliance between them and their countries serve as a vital counterforce to hegemon USA's aggressive agenda — what threatens world peace and virtually everyone everywhere.

A Final Comment

Like China, India refused to criticize Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

Both countries are valued trading partners.

Since Soviet Russia's dissolution 30 years ago, India bought about $70 billion worth of weapons from Moscow.

Russia supplies about half of India's weapons purchases today.

Former Indian foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal stressed the festering Ukraine issue along Russia's border was bound to blow up given events following the US-orchestrated 2014 coup.

In December, Putin visited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi.

Both leaders vowed to maintain  their "special privileged strategic partnership."

They signed a number of agreements to deepen bilateral cooperation on issues related to space, energy, science, technology and defense.