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Canada's Ontario Province Declares a State of Emergency

Written by Subject: Canada

Canada's Ontario Province Declares a State of Emergency

by Stephen Lendman

On Friday, Premier Doug Ford of Canada's largest province, Ontario, declared a state of emergency when no real one exists.

Together with his solicitor general, Sylvia Jones, he announced new police state powers he intends to be permanent.

They include regime authority to order closure of institutions, limit free movement and seize property.

He intends to rescind "personal and commercial licenses" for failure to comply with his draconian orders.

His action came in response to closure of the Ambassador Bridge by Canadian freedom-fighting truckers.

The link connects Windsor, Ontario to Detroit.

About one-fourth of US/Canadian trade moves in both directors over the bridge that truckers blocked since Monday.

Following a Friday court order to clear the bridge discussed in a previous day's article, truckers agreed to free a lane for traffic to and from Windsor.

Ford supports the Trudeau regime's war on public health and what remains of greatly eroded Canadian freedoms.

Mocking the right of activist truckers and supporters for the restoration of  rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, he falsely accused them of holding Ottawa "hostage" for the past two weeks, adding:

"I call it a siege (sic) because that is what it is (sic)."

"It's an illegal occupation (sic)."

"This is no longer a protest (sic)."

"With a protest, you peacefully make your point and you go back home (sic)."

Since begun, protests have been entirely peaceful in compliance with the rule of law.

Likely Trudeau regime enlisted elements opposed to freedom fighting truckers alone committed scattered acts of violence and other lawbreaking.

As for going home, truckers will resume their normal work schedule when draconian Trudeau regime and provincial mandates are lifted — when Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are restored.

Until then, they've been staying the course for restoration of rights too precious to relinquish.

While Ford threatened Ontario protesters with stiff fines of up to $100,000 and up to a year in prison as long as blockading for justice continues, it's unclear what he'll be able to do with lawyers representing truckers intending to challenge overstepping in court.

Normality throughout Canada would resume swiftly if the Trudeau regime and complicit provincial authorities rescind their health and freedom-destroying mandates.

Until then, the only option is challenging tyranny — for restitution of the rule of law by eliminating draconian mandates once and for all.

A Final Comment

On Saturday, clashes between police and trucker on the Ambassador Bridge were reported.

According to one activist. Saturday's "turnout…is the biggest…since I've been here."

"Looks like these people aren't afraid of Ford."

Another said "(i)f you call a state of emergency, win a court injunction and no one leaves in handcuffs, the message is clear."

"Dig in boys. They're too scared to do anything."

Protests are in their third week with no signs pulling back from staying the course.