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China to Defend its Breakaway Taiwan Province Militarily

Written by Subject: China

China to Defend its Breakaway Taiwan Province Militarily

by Stephen Lendman

According to Biden regime propaganda, it "maintain(s) strong, unofficial relations with Taiwan…in line with (its) desire to further peace and stability in Asia (sic)."

It's committed "to assist Taiwan in maintaining its defensive capability" at a time when its only enemies are invented.

Taiwan and its surrounding waters is one of the world's hot spots.

It's been this way since hegemon USA declared nonbelligerent, nonthreatening China public enemy No. One (sic).

Beijing strongly "opposes official and military ties in any form between the US and the Taiwan region, and opposes US interference in China's internal affairs."

"No country and no one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity." 

According to the WSJ last fall, Pentagon troops have been "secretly training" Taiwanese forces "for at least a year," adding:

A "special-operations unit and contingent of marines" are involved, citing unnamed US officials.

Claiming they number "two dozen (along with) support troops" may way understate the extent of Pentagon ties to Taiwan's military.

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province, an "inalienable part of (its) territory" to be reunited with the mainland.

A Foreign Ministry statement earlier stressed that there's "only one China," adding:

"(T)he government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing" the mainland and Taiwan.

Beijing "firmly opposes any form of official ties between the US and the Taiwan region." 

There's no ambiguity about its position on this core issue.

One-China has been official US policy for over 40 years.

Much like he breached the landmark JCPOA agreement with Iran, the E3, Russia and China, Trump and hardliners surrounding him acted in similar fashion by changing longstanding US policy on Taiwan.

Policies Biden regime hardliners pursue on this sensitive issue and all others are worlds apart from their rhetoric.

Much like hegemon USA uses Ukraine as a platform for war on Russia by other means that risks turning hot by accident or design, both right wings of its war party use Taiwan in similar fashion against China.

According to its US envoy Qin Gang on Friday:

"The Taiwan issue is the biggest tinderbox between China and the US," adding: 

"If the Taiwanese authorities, emboldened by the US, keep going down the road for independence, it most likely will involve China and (hegemon USA), the two big countries, in a military conflict."

Much like dominant Trump regime hardliners waged war on China by other means, elements around the fake Biden are operating in similar fashion, notably on Taiwan.

Last spring, the Biden regime sent former high level US officials to the breakaway province — a signal of support to its ruling authorities.

Pending US legislation, if adopted, directs the State Department to change the name of Taiwan's Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington to the Taiwan Representative Office in the US.

The measure's name change is meant to reflect substantively deepening ties between the US and Taiwan.

What's clearly unacceptable to Beijing is moving steadily in a direction it considers hostile to its sovereign rights.

The one-China principle since Jimmy Carter's presidency has been steadily eroding toward being abandoned altogether by dominant US hardliners on both sides of the aisle.

China seeks diplomatic reunification of Taiwan with the mainland.

Qin stressed it last week, saying that Beijing "will do (its) utmost in the greatest sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification," adding: 

"But (if Taiwan continues) walking down the road towards independence, emboldened by (hegemon USA), China will not commit to giving up the unpeaceful means for reunification because this is a deterrence."