Orwellian Kill Shot Database

Written by Subject: Health and Physical Fitness

Orwellian Kill Shot Database

by Stephen Lendman

On Tuesday, kill shot mass surveillance leaped forward by House adoption of the Orwellian-named Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021 (HR 550)  by an overwhelming 294 - 130 margin.

Dubiously called "a confidential (sic), population-based, computerized database that records (kill shot) doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database," the measure has draconian aims in mind.

Amending the 1944 Public Health Service Act after many times before, New Deal-era legislation to protect public health no longer exists — replaced by policies to destroy it, especially since last year.

For starters, HR 550 provides $400 million to identify flu/covid kill shot refuseniks for whatever punishments may be meted out against them.

It empowers the Pharma-controlled CDC to establish a database to identify jabbed and unjabbed Americans.

It directs the Pharma-linked HHS secretary to "expand, enhance, and improve (kill shot) information systems that are administered by (anti-public) health departments or other agencies, (data for use) by health care providers."

According to undemocratic Dem HR 550 sponsor Rep. Ann Kuster:

The draconian measure aims "to bolster our nation's (kill shot) infrastructure in the wake of the (fake) pandemic," — what exists for the jabbed alone.

The measure is all about pushing for greater toxic mass-jabbing than already with the worst of diabolical aims in mind.

It has nothing to do with "improv(ing) our nation's (readiness to deal with) future public healthcare crises."

Heading to the Senate for consideration, the measure is likely to be adopted and signed into law by the White House imposter.

Opposing the measure, GOP Rep. Mary Miller stressed that "the government is not your doctor."

It "has no business inserting itself into private healthcare matters of Americans." 

"There is no reason for them to collect this data."

"It is an affront to our liberties and health freedoms."

"There are endless ways the government could potentially use that information against you – purposefully and accidentally."

The draconian bill serves the Biden regime's "crazy global (mass-jabbing) vision (with) Orwellian rules" for refuseniks. 

"These systems are designed to allow for the sharing of crucial information and maintenance of records." 

"Do we really trust the (Biden regime) to protect our medical records?" 

"The bill's author even bragged in her press release that these systems will help the government remind patients when they are due for (another kill shot) and identify areas with low (mass-jabbing) rates…"

The measure is "a legislative tool to enforce (kill shot) mandates…forc(ing) (health-destroying) Orwellian rules onto those who do not comply."

"This bill would allow the (Biden regime) to collect, study, and share your private health data" with Pharma and its anti-public health handmaidens. 

Data compiled will be used for draconian enforcement of public health-destroying policies.

Medical privacy no longer exists. HR 550 will drive another stake through its heart.

GOP Rep. Byron Donalds slammed the measure, saying:

"This legislation would unnecessarily appropriate millions of taxpayer funds intended to expand bureaucracy in Washington." 

"A database solely created to record and collect confidential (kill shot) information of Americans explicitly encroaches upon (their) fundamental right to medical privacy."

"As a fiscal conservative, I cannot in good faith support legislation that contributes to the Democrats' habitual pattern of reckless and wasteful spending and the intrusive heavy hand of government."

The bill also throws millions of dollars at Dem-run states to enforce mass-jabbing ruthlessness.

The diabolical measure advances things further toward full-blown tyranny.

It's one more reason to rise up against and slay the Biden regime beast before it slays us.

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