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Mandating Toxic Flu/Covid Jabs?

Written by Subject: Health and Physical Fitness

Mandating Toxic Flu/Covid Jabs?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Created as part of a diabolical US/Western scheme to destroy health — not protect and preserve it as falsely claimed — will mandatory toxic flu/covid jabs the next shoe to drop ahead?

On Friday, The Economist establishment publication asked:

"Why don't governments make (flu/covid jabs) mandatory?"

"Should We Be Forced to Get (flu/covid jabs)," Bloomberg News asked?

Falsely saying "we're fighting a coronavirus pandemic (that doesn't exist) and need to make urgent decisions," mandatory flu/covid jabs in the West and elsewhere may follow a yet to be invented — perhaps mother-of-all — scarient.

Ignored is that all flu/covid strains are largely similar, none not a dime's worth of difference more harmful to health than others.

Yet Italy became the first Western country to mandate flu/covid jabs for healthcare workers, Britain considering a similar policy.

Philippines President Duterte threatened to imprison flu/covid jab refusniks.   

Hundreds of US colleges and universities require them for students on campus.

Whoever could have imagined that higher education would become hazardous to health and well-being on growing numbers of US college campuses?

What was inconceivable pre-2020 is today's reality.

Defying federal law that prohibits mandatory use of vaccines and other drugs unapproved by the Pharma-controlled FDA — along with the Nuremberg code, requiring voluntary consent on all things health related — employers like Morgan Stanley require toxic flu/covid jabs for office staff.

Is it just a matter of time before what's unthinkable becomes required throughout the US and West in public places?

As an earlier article explained, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sided with toxic mass-jabbing, saying:

"Federal EEO laws do not prevent an employer from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be" jabbed for covid "as long as not in violation of "ADA (provisions) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other EEO considerations."

The above standard breaches all things related to health, well-being, and control over our own bodies.

France may be a test-run for what's coming in the West and elsewhere.

French PM Jean Castex asked parliament and regime authorities to propose ways of mandating covid jabs for everyone — going beyond proposed legislation to require them for healthcare workers.

Pharma-connected French High Council on Health head Dominique Le Guludec supports universal flu/covid jabs if ordered, saying:

"We are sorry to make (them) an obligation. We always thought it was better to persuade people (sic)."

Supporting mandatory jabs for everyone in the country aged-12 and older, she now wants them for everyone in the country.

Health minister Olivier Veran is hesitant, saying "(w)e will not force the French to be" jabbed for flu/covid.

French MPs are preparing legislation to require flu/covid jabs for hospital staff across the board and retirement homes — presumably for both residents and staff.

According to RT, French senators are "considering implement(ation) (of) obligatory vaccinations for those aged 24-59" — on the phony pretext of combatting annual flu now called covid.

At this time, around one-third of French people are fully jabbed for flu/covid, about half the population jabbed at least once.

Dubious Le Figaro poll results claimed that 72% of French people support mandatory jabs for healthcare workers, 58% for all adults — at a time when half the population is unjabbed, less than a third fully jabbed that suggests hesitancy for a 2nd one.

According to Macron regime spokesman Gabriel Attal, he wants all healthcare workers jabbed by end of August.

Indifferent toward public health PM Castex defiantly called for requiring "people whose job is to protect the most fragile people" to self-inflict harm by mandatory flu/covid jabs.

Other regime officials want them mandated for school staff and students, as well as for workers dealing with the public across the board.

In the US, a long ago (no longer applicable) political maxim claimed that "(a)s Maine goes, so goes the nation."

In the aftermath of seasonal flu's name change to covid, perhaps as France goes, so goes the West and other nations.

Paul Craig Roberts is likely right, saying "(e)njoy July 4 this Sunday." 

"It might be the last one" — for numerous reasons.

It's my view, based on diabolical state-sponsored policies to inflict maximum harm on maximum numbers of people — while pretending to serve and protect everyone according to the rule of law.

Dark forces in the US and West intend the worst of times ahead — including destruction of public health and what remains of free and open societies.

In the US, the mask is coming off illusory American exceptionalism, the indispensable state, the land of the free and home of the brave moral superiority — full-blown tyranny heading toward becoming the law of the land.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity" 

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