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Yemeni Houthis Strike Multiple Saudi Sites

Written by Subject: Yemen

Yemeni Houthis Strike Multiple Saudi Sites

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

In cahoots with US imperial interests, the Saudis have been waging war on Yemen and its long-suffering people intermittently for years.

In 2010 at the behest of the Obama/Biden regime, the Saudis began terror-bombing Yemeni targets.

Things escalated dramatically in March 2015, including by imposing a blockade on the country.

At the time, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif slammed Saudi aggression, saying:

"Bridges are being bombarded. Factories are being bombarded. Hospitals" are struck, civilians in harm's way massacred.

Yemeni Houthis earlier said they'll never negotiate with Riyadh "until (terror-bombing) airstrikes are stopped" and the blockade is lifted.

Conflict continues to rage. What began as Bush/Cheney aggression in late October 2001, continued for 8 years under Obama/Biden, throughout Trump's tenure, and currently by Biden regime hardliners.

On Thursday, Yemeni Houthis struck Saudi oil facilities and military sites by drones and ballistic missiles.

According to a Houthi statement, they targeted the King Abdulaziz military base in Dammam, military sites in Najran and Asir, and Aramco oil facilities in Ras Tanura, Rabigh, Yanbu and Jizan.

Houthi military spokesman General Yahya Saree said the following:

"The operation has successfully fulfilled its objectives."

"We affirm that we are ready to carry out a more severe and more cruel military operation in the coming period."

One of Jizan's oil distribution facility tanks was set ablaze.

It's where a Saudi Aramco refinery and port facilities operate.

A Saudi press agency statement said the regime intends deterrent actions to protect its oil facilities.

They'd be secure and safe if US and kingdom aggression in Yemen ceased, the statement failed to explain.

Saudi ceasefires when proposed are hollow. They're followed by more terror-bombing attacks.

Like the US, Saudi officials can never be trusted.

Endless war on Yemen continues because US regimes from Bush/Cheney to Biden/Harris reject restoration of peace and stability in all US war theaters.

Houthis successfully struck Saudi sites many times before.

In September 2019, Houthi drones and missiles penetrated Saudi defenses.

Kingdom oil fields and other strategic targets were struck, including two Saudi Aramco oil facilities, setting portions of them ablaze — the Abqaiq refinery (the world's largest) and Khurais oil field.

Both attacks caused huge fires visible from outer space. The facilities are crucial world energy supply chain links.

The attacks halted over five million barrels of crude operations per day, more than half the kingdom's daily output for a number of days, around 5% of world oil supply.

Its natural gas production was also affected, halting about half its output.

Along with other strategic kingdom targets, key Saudi oil and gas facilities are vulnerable to repeated attacks as long as Riyadh wages war on Yemen.

A Houthi spokesman earlier stressed that retaliatory strikes on kingdom targets are "within the framework of our legitimate and natural right to respond to the crimes of aggression and the ongoing siege on our country."

"We promise the Saudi regime that our future operations will expand further and be more painful than ever as long as it continues its aggression and siege."

"We affirm that our goals bank is expanding day by day and that there is no solution for the Saudi regime except to stop the aggression and siege on our country."

In recent weeks, Houthi attacks struck the King Khalid Air Base, other military targets, the Abha International Airport, and Saudi oil facilities.

At the same time, a Houthi ground offensive aims to gain control over occupied Marib in northern Yemen by Saudi-backed forces.

On Friday, a Biden regime statement falsely blamed Yemeni Houthis for US/Saudi aggression, saying:

"The Houthis' actions are prolonging the suffering of the Yemeni people and jeopardizing peace efforts at a critical moment when the international community is increasingly united behind a ceasefire and a resolution of the conflict (sic)."

No ceasefire and conflict resolution initiative exist, what US hardliners consistently oppose while pretending otherwise.

In late October, US forever war on Yemen will enter its 21st year if aggression by Washington and the Saudis continues — what's most likely.

US launched wars by hot and/or other means rage endlessly because both right wings of its war party are militantly hostile to world peace and stability.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"