Former US-Installed Bolivian Coup d'Etat President Arrested

Written by Subject: Coup

Former US-Installed Bolivian Coup d'Etat President Arrested

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On Saturday, Trump regime installed Jeanine Anez — in November 2019 — was arrested.

She and other regime members face charges of sedition, terrorism, conspiracy, abuse and political persecution for involvement in the US coup plot that toppled Bolivia's democratically elected and reelected President Evo Morales.

He called her "a coup-mongering right-wing senator (who vowed to) pacify the country" by terrorizing Bolivians into submission to tyrannical rule, adding:

She self-declared herself "interim president without a legislative quorum, surrounded by a group of accomplices."

Morales served from January 22, 2006 until stepping down on November 10, 2019 to avoid greater CIA-orchestrated violence, vandalism and chaos.

US-installed, unelected, illegitimate, political nobody hardliner Anez replaced him — supported by Bolivian military and police junta power.

In October 2019, Morales was democratically reelected for the third time, defeating challengers Carlos Mesa and Chi Hyun Chung, his popular support topping theirs combined.

His victory margin over lead challenger Mesa exceeded 10% to avoid a runoff.

The process was scrupulously open, free and fair.

US dark forces wanted him replaced, the coup against him orchestrated and coordinated from the US embassy in La Paz — the executive and legislative seat of government — and Sucre, the judicial branch seat.

The plot involved setting government buildings ablaze, organizing nationwide strike actions, and other disruptive tactics— right out of the CIA's playbook, including violent street protests.

At the time, charges of massive electoral fraud were fabricated.

In cahoots with US hardliners, Bolivian generals — bribed with blood money to betray their country — demanded that Morales resign.

NYT fake news claimed nonexistent "election fraud," falsely accusing him of "brazenly abusing the power and institutions put in his care by the electorate (sic)," adding:

"(F)orcing him out bec(ame) the only remaining option (sic)."

More below from the Times in response to Anez's arrest.

In stepping down, Morales said he was "obligat(ed) as indigenous president and president of all Bolivians to seek peace."

In October 2020, Morales' Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) candidate Luis Arce — former MAS economy and public finance minister — was elected Bolivian president, taking office on November 8. 

Ahead of elections, the Anez coup d'etat regime intimidated and arrested numerous MAS candidates. Journalists were threatened for truth-telling reports.

Tactics failed. The US coup was reversed, democracy restored to Bolivia.

On Saturday, Acre's Internal Affairs Minister Eduardo del Castillo said "Anez (was) apprehended (by a court issued arrest warrant) and…is in the hands of the police."

She falsely called her arrest and detention "political persecution," pretending no coup occurred.

In response to her arrest, the NYT once again reinvented events leading up to Morales stepping down in November 2019.

The propaganda organ lied claiming his government "rig(ged) the vote to show him winning by a wide enough margin to avoid a runoff (sic)."

No vote-rigging occurred.

Ahead of Anez's arrest, her justice minister Alvaro Coimbra and energy  minister Rodrigo Guzman were taken into custody.

In response to arrests made so far, more likely to follow, the Times quoted a Morales/Acre opponent's fake news claim that what happened is an attempt to distract attention from the government's "technical, ethical and practical incapacity to confront serious problems (sic)."

Acre government's prosecutor also issued arrest warrants for former police chief Yuri Calderón and former Armed Forces commander Williams Kaliman over allegations of terrorism, sedition and conspiracy.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

