Trump Aims to Sabotage November Elections?

Written by Subject: Trump Administration

Trump Aims to Sabotage November Elections?

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Marketing Professor Utpal Dholakia slammed what he called "the sheer, undiminished outrageousness of (Trump's) words and actions," calling his behavior "appalling."

His reality-denying tenure consistently features misinformation, disinformation, Big Lies, name-calling insults, pledges without fulfillment, outrageous tweets, contempt for the rule of law, and abandonment of public health and welfare.

Though trailing Biden by a significant margin in polls, he manages to hold onto a loyal following that's oblivious to his shortcomings, bravado, and support for privilege over their rights.

He once said "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters."

Maybe so, but he's running scared in the run-up to the November 3 election he'd likely lose overwhelmingly if held today.

Most Americans know little more than what they see and hear on propaganda TV, manipulating their minds, filling it with mush, suppressing what's most important for everyone to know — available only through reliable alternative sources, mainly online.

Reality TV President Trump is profoundly unpresidential.

On Wednesday, he admitted trying to sabotage the November election, saying the following:

He opposes providing help to cash-strapped states because Dems want $3.5 billion to fund mail-in voting he falsely claims facilitates fraud, adding:

Dems want the money "to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots (for) something that will turn out to be fraudulent (sic)."

No evidence suggests that mail-in absentee ballot voting is less reliable than by commonly used electronic voting machines.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, "an exhaustive investigative journalism analysis of all known voter fraud cases (in the US) identified only 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud from 2000 to 2012, a minuscule total too insignificant to matter.

Pew Research explained that over 97 million Americans are eligible to vote in 2020, people of color comprising around one-third of the total.

Trump's opposition to mail-in ballots is unrelated to reliability of the process. 

It's all about wanting Blacks and others most likely to support Biden and other Dems disenfranchised. 

Trump loyalist Louis DeJoy was appointed postmaster general.

He sacked or reassigned about two dozen USPS executives to usurp unchallenged power.

He cancelled overtime work and instituted other tactics to slow mail processing and delivery.

Ballots must be received by the USPS by election day, or postmarked no later than November 3, or they won't count.

Because of delayed mail deliveries, Democracy Fund's Tammy Patrick said the following:

"The Postal Service recommends you mail your ballot back at least one week before the deadline before election day. And we know that almost half the states allow you to request a ballot after that time."

Because of fears about contracting COVID-19, more US voters than ever are likely to cast ballots by mail.

If the USPS manipulates things to benefit Trump, Biden could have majority popular and electoral college support but be declared the loser because many mail-in ballots were claimed to arrive too late and weren't counted.

On Friday, Public Citizen President Robert Weissman said the following:

"Donald Trump just admitted that he is trying to sabotage the election."

Here's what (he said) on Fox News…about proposals in Congress to provide funding Post Office needs so that Americans can safely and easily vote by mail in the midst of the coronavirus emergency:"

" 'Now they need that money in order to have the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots." 

"But if they don't get (the money), that means you can't have universal mail-in voting." 

Weissman: "Then, Larry Kudlow — a senior economic advisor to Trump and longtime Republican operative, who is infamous for how consistently wrong his predictions about the economy have been over the years — called efforts to protect voting rights 'liberal…a left wish…(that's) not our game.' " 

"Meanwhile, the Republican mega-donor Trump installed to run the Post Office has been implementing drastic and unprecedented service cuts." 

"He's even telling states — which are already financially strapped because of the Trump Pandemic — that they may have to pay far more than expected if they want ballots handled properly." 

Let's be absolutely clear:

"The Trump (regime) is attempting what amounts to a bureaucratic coup d'etat to remain in office." 

"Tell Donald Trump, Larry Kudlow, and the rest of" their gang: 

"Thank you for admitting that you do not actually believe in (electoral fairness) or upholding the Constitution." 

"You will not get away with this assault on the right to vote." 

Since the early 19th century, electoral fraud occurred time and again at the federal, state, and local levels.

It's an issue I addressed in earlier articles.

Digital age technology, featuring corporate-programmed electronic voting machines, makes electoral fraud easier than ever.

Despite losing to Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004, GW Bush served two terms as president — electronic ease and majority Supreme Court justices elevating him to power. 

Time and again, I've stressed that democracy in America has been pure fantasy from inception.

If US elections produced positive change, governance serving everyone equitably, they'd be banned.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

