Article Image Frosty Wooldridge upon entering New Mexico on Continental Divide Ride


Wonder of Bicycle Travel: Magic Moments

Written by Subject: Travel

When the eclipse of the sun occurred in 2017, we stood on the edge of the precipice of Niagara Falls. With the crystal clear green water raging over the edge, it tumbled downward into white mist. The sun caught that vapor to create a double rainbow across the chasm. Above, a one-quarter eclipse of the sun energized the sky while hundreds of sightseers cheered with delight while looking at that natural phenomenon through their gray-colored protective glasses.

"We're watching a natural trifecta of Nature's epic moments," said Don. "I don't know how it can get any better than this."

"You got that right," said Gerry. "This ice cream cone sums it up for me…life is good on my bicycle."

It could happen in the morning when you pedal down the highway to see dewdrops sparkling off the leaves of a cherry tree. You stop to pull cherries off the tree along the Lewis and Clark Trail in Oregon. Their succulent sugars bathe your mouth with magical energy and cause your taste buds to turn summersaults on your tongue.

How about that moment where you saw a DQ along Route 66 in New Mexico? You could not stop yourself from buying an ice cream cone that slid down your throat with all the joy of a culinary waterslide that you loved when you were a kid. It splashed your entire being with happiness.

Do you remember that night by the fire with new cycling friends camping in Morro Bay, California on Route 101, with Arctic Terns, Canada geese and another 50 species of migratory birds squawking in the water? How about those flames licking the night air while you watched your dinner bubble up on the coals—ready to be devoured by your hungry body? The magic of a day well lived day on your bicycle!

Remember that ride across Kansas when the sun hung low in the sky to create your own shadow that stretched 30 yards across the highway into the next field? Your shadow followed you, delighted you and in the end, when the sun burned into the western sky, you found yourself missing its magic—when your shadow suddenly vanished—poof! Yet, the memory delighted you!

How about that moment this summer, pedaling with your friend on East River Road along the Yellowstone River, Montana headed south toward Yellowstone National Park? The western sky burned scorching orange colors into the thunderheads in the heavens at the end of the day. You felt a slight mist of rain falling lightly on your shoulders. As you raised your eyes to the east, a double rainbow touched down where the sun blazed on a 100-acre meadow of summer green. Talk about magical moments!

"Don, look to the East," I yelled.

"Holy catfish," my friend said. "My God! It doesn't get any better than this!"

"Can any greater joy come from life than living inside the 'moment' of an adventure? It may be a fleeting 'high', a stranger that changes your life, an animal that delights you or frightens you, a struggle where you triumphed, or even failed, yet you braved the challenge. Those moments present you uncommon experiences that give your life eternal expectation. That's adventure!" Don Lindahl, Frosty Wooldridge, on tour, Lewis and Clark Trail, summer 2018.

"Any baby boomers out there, about 80 million of you, who worked your butts off your whole lives bringing up a family, paid the bills and did what you were supposed to do? It's time for you to live your own dreams. If you love bicycling, this band of old guys knows how to have a good time. But it's more than cycling: the author encourages retirees to follow their dreams by backpacking, skiing, sailing, canoeing, painting, pottery making and just about anything that turns you on to your own life. On this journey, these cycling dudes pedal, sing, camp, joke and they laugh a lot. What did I like best about Wooldridge' tale? He showed me that I can pedal my own bike across the country. This is a hell of a great read. Buy it. Learn from it. Then, go do it yourself. He's got everything you need to know at the back of his book. It'll be the best thing you've done in your life. And, he tells you how to buy an E-bike with electric assist, so your wife and you can enjoy cycling adventures together. You truly will live, as Wooldridge said, 'On the edge of wonder.'" Herman Jackson 

"This book brings incredible energy to any reader, male or female, young or old. It's got so much wisdom and inspiration. I couldn't help but feel like I could conquer the world while reading this book. It really delves into living at what the author calls, "high vibrational frequency living." When you create adventures in your life, big or small, short term or long term, you live on that "edge of wonder" that the author speaks about. I didn't realize it until I finished the book. That's why I read it twice to cement his concepts into my mind. Great reading and compelling prose." Harold Morgan 

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


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