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Saudi Breach Yemen Ceasefire, Houthis Vow Strong Response

Written by Subject: Yemen

Saudis Breach Yemen Ceasefire, Houthis Vow Strong Response

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Whenever Yemeni Houthis unilaterally proposed a halt in fighting, the Saudis breached it straightaway in cahoots with the US, wanting endless war and human suffering, not restoration of peace and stability to the country.

Houthis showed they can cause significant damage to strategic Saudi sites as long as kingdom terror-bombing and blockade of Yemen continues.

Last Friday, Houthi fighters again unilaterally halted airstrikes on Saudi territory. Despite offering to reciprocate, Saudi warplanes terror-bombed the port city of Hodeidah.

Further airstrikes followed, killing 16 civilians on Tuesday alone, including seven children and four women.

Houthis condemned the attack, calling it "continued aggression," adding: "The aggressors do not understand the message of peace...but only messages of drones and of missile power."

A wounded child lost her entire family, a statement by Save the Children's country director in Yemen, saying:

"Attacks like this happen almost on a daily basis. The use of explosive weapons in populated areas is sadly all too common in the Yemen conflict," adding: 

"Only yesterday, four children were killed in another attack in Amran that killed an entire family, including a pregnant mother."

"These children should not be victims of this conflict. Yet, they have paid the highest price imaginable. We're calling for an independent investigation into the attack and for perpetrators to be held to account."

No probe is needed, the guilty parties well known — hegemon USA and its imperial partners in endless Yemen aggression, the Saudis doing most of heavy lifting dirty work.

Perhaps they didn't understand the mid-September message Houthis delivered to their key oil facilities.

Maybe it'll be clearer if their fighters destroy them altogether in a more massive attack, along with taking out others strategic targets in the kingdom, making the dictatorship pay more dearly than already.

US-led Western officials and their supportive media are silent about Saudi mass murder in Yemen — focusing instead on falsely blaming Iran for what it had nothing to do with against Riyadh.

On Wednesday, Southfront reported the latest Saudi aggression in Yemen as follows:

"16 civilians, including 7 children and 4 women, were killed by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on a house in the Qatabah district, Dhale province (the incident explained above);

Saudi-led coalition warplanes struck Saadah province 3 times;

Ceasefire violations were reported in Al Hudaydah;

Clashes between (Houthis) and Saudi-led forces continue on the Haradh front;

(Houthis) fired 4 Zilzal-1 missiles on positions of Saudi-led forces in Hayran;

Clashes between (Houthis) and Saudi-led forces were reported on the Khab and Shaaf front."

On Tuesday, co-leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi warned the Saudis of "more painful, deadly and destructive" responses to their continued aggression.

Separately, demoted Saudi foreign minister/current so-called minister of state for foreign affairs Adel al-Jubeir threatened nonbelligerent Iran on Tuesday at the UN in New York.

Promoting war on the country, he urged the Trump regime to strike Iranian targets on behalf of the kingdom.

Falsely accusing Iran for striking its oil facilities, he claimed nonexistent "very significant" evidence proving kingdom Big Lies alone.

The world community knows nonbelligerent Iran had nothing to do with striking key Saudi oil facilities on September 14.

Few of its member states are willing to publicly state what needs to be said loud and clear, repeated to drive home the message.

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