Article Image Frosty Wooldridge above the clouds, Squaw Pass, Colorado


Take a Bicycle Ride Above the Clouds

Written by Subject: Travel

To lift your spirits, take a bicycle ride into the energy of the mountains. As the great mountaineer John Muir said, "The mountains are calling and I must go." As you climb through the aspen forests of golden leaves in autumn or fresh spring greenery bursting forth, you witness the magic of nature's creative storehouse. You watch the animals crossing the road while hawks soar through yonder pristine skies. Up you climb around dozens of curves. Up you soar into the majestic blue. The farther you ascend into the heavens, the brighter your spirit glows. You fly at the "perfect speed" once defined by Jonathan Livingston Seagull as he gathered his energies toward enlightened flight. You too, on your journey enjoy that perfect speed, not the speed of light, and not the speed of a butterfly—but the perfect speed of living, of simply "being there." 

You pedal until you rise above the clouds. You pedal until you lift your heart and mind into a peaceful symphony with Nature. At the top of a pass, you step off your bike to find yourself above the clouds. Those clouds float through your life, above and below, not storms, not ill winds, but glorious colors harkening a mesmerizing sunset.

"A dream is where a boy can swim over the deepest oceans and fly among the highest clouds." J.K.Rowling

What poem writes itself in your mind when you fly your bike above the clouds?

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler who loves to pedal among the clouds

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


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