NYT Opposition to Democratic Governance

Written by Subject: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

NYT Opposition to Democratic Governance

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The Times supports America's one party state. Two right wings take turns governing, fascist tyranny masquerading as democratic rule.

The self-styled newspaper of record backs similar ruthless regimes, notably in key NATO countries and Israel - rogue states waging war on humanity.

Venezuela is a model democracy, suffering from US political and economic war, along with months of street violence planned and orchestrated in Washington - regime change the aim, wanting fascist tyranny replacing Bolivarian social democracy.

The Times has waged editorial war on the country since Hugo Chavez's December 1998 election, continuing relentlessly against Nicolas Maduro.

It lied claiming democratically elected Constituent Assembly (CA) members "share one goal: stifl(ing) the opposition."

Above all, their mandate is restoring order and preserving Bolivarian social democracy, free from foreign interference and internal dark forces wanting it abolished.

They aim to represent all Venezuelans equitably, an unacceptable notion in Washington and by opposition extremists, wanting things their way, popular interests ignored.

The Times: The Constituent Assembly (CA) is "an ambitious plan by the government to consolidate power. In a contentious election on Sunday, President Nicolas Maduro instructed Venezuelans to choose delegates from a list of trusted allies of the governing party."

Fact: Last Sunday's election represented democracy in action.

Fact: Venezuelans got to choose 545 CA members from over 6,000 candidates. No one instructed them on who to choose.

The Times: "Voters were not given the option of rejecting the plan."

Fact: When elections are held, voters can participate or stay home. Nowhere can they reject holding them.

The Times: "(I)f there is one thing that seems to unite (CA members), it is a will to stifle political dissent."

Fact: Venezuelans are free to express political or other views, provided constitutional and statute laws are obeyed - the way it should be in all societies.

Fact: They're not free to foment insurrection - unacceptable everywhere.

CA members will be inaugurated on Friday to begin work by revising or rewriting Venezuela's constitution.

The hard work involves restoring order in the face of Washington complicit with internal dark forces wanting Bolivarian social democracy destroyed.

A Final Comment

All Venezuelans are enfranchised at birth. Everyone aged 18 or older may vote, the Bolivarian Constitution's Article 56 stating:

"All persons have the right to be registered (to vote) free of charge with the Civil Registry Office after birth, and to obtain public documents constituting evidence of the(ir) biological identity, in accordance with the law."

Included are eligible citizens living abroad. Once registered, none may be purged, obstructed, or prevented from voting - unlike America's sham process.

Millions are disenfranchised, many others peremptorily stricken from rolls, intimidated not to vote, or denied eligibility for bogus reasons.

Election rigging in America is longstanding at the federal, state and local levels. Venezuela's process is scrupulously open, free and fair - affirmed by independent monitors each time elections are held.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


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