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Iran Denounces Hostile US Posturing, Begins Major Defense Drill

Written by Subject: Iran

Iran Denounces Hostile US Posturing, Begins Major Defense Drill

by Stephen Lendman

Iranian First Vice President Is'haq Jahangiri responded to Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, putting the Islamic Republic on notice and outrageously calling its government "the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world."

At a Saturday news conference in Tokyo, Defense Secretary James Mattis made the same hostile comment, malicious Big Lie.

It's a dubious distinction, describing America, NATO and Israel, humanity's greatest threat.

"The Iranian nation and authorities do not attach the least value to (Flynn's) remarks, Jahanfiri stressed.

Russian and Iranian aid to Syria prevented the country from falling to ISIS and other terrorist groups, he added. "Arab countries would have been encircled by Daesh, and no one would have known what al-Qaeda would be doing in Afghanistan," he explained.

Iran is the region's leading anti-terrorism force, deserving praise, not criticism. US accusations and sanctions aim to keep the Islamic Republic isolated, to slow progress, to dissuade domestic and foreign investors.

"If a language of respect is used to talk to the Iranian nation, and if issues are resolved through dialog and negotiation, then, as stated by President (Hassan Rouhani), the outcome could be a win for all," Jahangiri stressed.

Separately, on Saturday, Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corp (IRGC) began major defense exercises called "Defenders of the Velayet Skies."

Missiles, other weapons, long-range radar and high technology are being used to prepare the nation for any external threat - the responsibility of all nations to protect its citizens.

Iran threatens no other nations. It's military preparedness is strictly for defense - especially given the danger America and Israel pose, wanting regime change by color revolution or war.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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