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Stein's Scam Wastes Time and Money

Written by Subject: Tyranny

Stein's Recount Scam Wastes Time and Money

by Stephen Lendman

Earlier vote recounts in US presidential elections switched too few votes from one candidate to another to matter.

Stein's recount scam is almost certain to turn out the same way. After four days of Wisconsin's recount, Trump gained 39 votes.

Around midday on Monday, recounting Michigan's votes began. It's too early to know where it stands, likely to be much like Wisconsin, few votes shifting from one candidate to the other.

Pennsylvania's Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, the state's two largest, completed their recounts. Hillary gained five votes.

Outcomes in all three states switching from Trump to Hillary would be needed to change the electoral outcome. Chances are virtually nil, especially nearly a month post-election, Trump's administration well along in its formation.

Stein's scam has nothing to do with assuring "electoral integrity," based on phony claims of Russian hacking - everything to do with a harebrained coup d'etat scheme for Hillary to succeed Obama.

All she succeeded in doing was destroying her own credibility, rendering herself politically dead.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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