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Trump's Double U-Turn on Investigating the Clinton Foundation

Written by Subject: Trump Administration

Trump's Double U-Turn on Investigating the Clinton Foundation

by Stephen Lendman

Candidate Trump promised he'd appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scam if elected president - my words, not his.  

President-elect Trump then told CBS' 60 Minutes he's more focused on getting "the country straightened away." When asked about his pledge to investigate "crooked Hillary," he replied "I don't want to hurt…They're good people."

On November 27, the New York Post headlined "Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation," saying:

"A source close to President-elect Donald Trump's transition team told The Post that the new administration plans to pressure the US ambassadors it will name to bring up the foundation with foreign governments - and suggest they probe its ­financial dealings."

Last week, his campaign manager, strategist, transition team member Kellyanne Conway said when Trump indicated "he doesn't wish to pursue (charges against the Clintons), it sends a very strong message, tone and content to (GOP) members."

"I think Hillary Clinton still has to face the fact that a majority of Americans don't find her to be honest or trustworthy, but if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing."

Yet when debating her face-to-face, he said "(i)f I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception."

What's going on? Politicians notoriously say one thing, then do another, promises ignored straightaway. What other pledges might he reverse?

Will he backtrack on killing TPP? Will he leave NATO's destructive role unchanged - instead of using it to fight terrorism, not other nations?

Will he stay hardline on Russia, renouncing his pledge to normalize ties and cooperate with Putin in combating terrorism in Syria?

Will he serve wealth, power and privilege exclusively like his predecessors - or all Americans as he promised?

Will he "drain the swamp," break up Washington's "special interest monopoly," its "rigged political establishment?"

Will he continue America's war on humanity at home and abroad or end it? Will he support rule of law principles or ignore them?

On November 22, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton issued a statement in response to Trump indicating he won't investigate Hillary's email scandal or Clinton Foundation wrongdoing, saying:

"Donald Trump must commit his administration to a serious, independent investigation of the very serious Clinton national security, email, and pay-to-play scandals."  

"If Mr. Trump's appointees continue the Obama administration's politicized spiking of a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton, it would be a betrayal of his promise to the American people to "drain the swamp" of out-of-control corruption in Washington, DC."  

"President-elect Trump should focus on healing the broken justice system, affirm the rule of law and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton scandals."  

"In the meantime, Judicial Watch will vigorously pursue its independent litigation and investigation of the Clinton email, national security, and other corruption scandals."

Plenty of evidence proves Clinton crime family wrongdoing. Urging foreign governments investigate their affairs isn't good enough. Accountability begins at home.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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