European Parliament Passes Anti-Russia Resolution

Written by Subject: Russia

European Parliament Passes Anti-Russia Resolution

by Stephen Lendman

EU leaders and legislators disgracefully bow to Washington's will, harming their own self-interest and citizens they represent in the process.

On Wednesday, European parliamentarian passed an anti-Russia resolution (304 in favor, 179 against, 208 abstaining), discussed in a Tuesday article

It urges EU nations "respond to (nonexistent) information warfare by Russia," RT and Sputnik News called "tools (of) hostile propaganda," equating it to what ISIS puts out.

Russia threatens no one. No "Russian aggression" exists, no revanchist aims, no disruptive ones. Instead of pursuing cooperative relations with Moscow, EU nations act provocatively.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded sharply, saying countermeasures will be taken if the resolution is implemented.

Regretfully, "attempts to demonize Russia don't stop in the European Union, and this document cannot be called otherwise than paranoia. (It's) overloaded with phobias, fictitious messages (and) myths." 

"It reflects very explicitly the ideology that the EU has been cultivating towards Russia" in recent years, notably after Washington replaced democracy in Ukraine with illegitimate Nazi-infested putschist rule.

Putin reacted to the anti-Russia measure, saying "(t)hese attempts continue. They keep trying to teach us democracy. We keep hearing from our teachers that the worst way to deal with your opponents is to ban something." 

"They tell us that this goes against the norms and principles of democracy. The best road is always that of open discussion and using this discussion to present vivid and convincing arguments in defense of your point of view."

"(W)e are witnessing a (political) degradation of…democracy in Western socieit(ies). I certainly hope that common sense will prevail…and we will not see any actual restrictions."

In a letter to Sputnik Serbia editor-in-chief Ljubinka Milincic, Serbian politician Bosko Obradovic blasted EU parliamentarians, voting for the document, saying:

"The EU is only sinking deeper into totalitarianism, destroying the national, cultural and economic independence of European nations." 

"Any attempts to stifle the freedom of speech and the right of people to have information should be regarded as part of (a) totalitarian project…"

According to Radio Television of Serbia program director Dragan Pajic, the document is the "best acknowledgment of Sputnik and RT achievements." 

Deplorable Western media can't compete without government help.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
