Despicable State Department Russia Bashing

Written by Subject: Russia

Despicable State Department Russia Bashing

by Stephen Lendman

On Tuesday, State Department press operations director Elizabeth Trudeau willfully lied to reporters, unjustifiably claiming Russian and Syrian warplanes bombed "five hospitals and one mobile clinic in Syria," adding:

"We believe it's a violation of international law…(O)ur focus has been on the delivery of aid…Russia allowed no aid or food into east Aleppo."

"They let eastern Aleppo residents starve while seeking praise from the international community for halting indiscriminate strikes for three weeks."

"We have consistently tried to work to de-escalate the violence in Syria. We're at the table again in Geneva on that today. And we've consistently pushed for the provision of humanitarian aid to these civilians suffering under siege." 

"Instead of joining us constructively to reach that goal, Russia again has backed the Assad regime in their ruthless war against the Syrian people."

Fact: Trudeau's remarks were beginning-to-end rubbish, despicable Big Lies - not a shred of truth in her comments. No credible evidence proves her accusations. None exists. 

Plenty exposes US war crimes together with so-called "coalition" partners - along with using ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers, fully responsible for raping Syria.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov responded to Trudeau's Big Lies, saying:

"We do not know where (she) gets information about what is happening in Syria. Her repeating rumors about some 'five hospitals' and 'one mobile clinic' which were 'bombed' only confirms the fact that all the State Department's public rhetoric on the situation in Syria is based on blatant lies."

One of Trump's priorities should be to drain the State Department swamp, sacking Trudeau and other anti-Russian liars like her - replacing them with officials favoring diplomacy and cooperative international relations, not confrontational and belligerent policies.

A Final Comment

Media scoundrel New York Times continued its anti-Russia/anti-Syria drumbeat - falsely accusing their warplanes of bombing "eight hospitals" in the past week, "five of them within the last 48 hours."

Pentagon and "coalition" warplanes alone target hospitals, schools, residential areas, vital infrastructure and government targets in waging naked aggression on sovereign Syrian independence, wanting pro-Western puppet rule replacing it.

Russian and Syrian warplanes haven't bombed eastern Aleppo for the past month - only anti-government terrorists in other areas - The Times falsely claiming bombing "damaged two hospitals in Aleppo…and a blood bank."

It's America's leading disseminator of state-sponsored propaganda - misinformation and Big Lies instead of responsible journalism.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
