Article Image Pastor Butch Paugh - Call to Decision Ministries


The Lesser of Evils

Written by Pastor Butch Paugh Subject: Religion: Believers

Proverbs 3:5-7 -- Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. (Emphasis added)

There are many reasons as to why mankind has always struggled with the simple instructions written in these few verses. Ever since the fall in the garden, man has always wanted to be his own "god". (Gen. 3:1-4). Man's history continues to prove mankind's rebellion, arrogance, stubbornness and desire to run his own life, and fix his own problems. Even though the instructions for a blessed life has been available since the beginning of man's existence, mankind has simply refused the righteous and wise instructions given him by the very one who created him. Even to the point of denying his Creator exists. As Romans 1:19-23 tells us, mankind's understanding and reason became darkened, and he became a "damned" soul, and was given over by his creator to all manner of evil! (Romans 1:24-32) and the death penalty was pronounced on him.

Yet, in spite of man's total rebellion and depravity, God's hand is not shortened that He can't and won't save us! He has not lost His hearing that He can't hear us! Isaiah 59:1-4 and Ps. 66:18 tells us that our sins and iniquities which mean "lawlessness" have separated us from Him, and He will not hear or save us unless we repent! There is a very real danger that if a man, society or nations continue to live lawlessly, or in sin as we commonly call it, that they will eventually and inevitably sin beyond redemption. (See article on by author titled "To Sin Beyond Redemption.")

With each passing generation, there always seems to be more of a tolerance for a little more lawlessness. (See article titled "Tolerance, Gateway to Hell"). Each generation only causes man's senses to become more dull, and his conscience and heart become more calloused against God's Word, and the ever-growing increase of sin! After a righteous and merciful God has pled with and warned mankind long enough, He withdraws His mercy, convicting Spirit and turns the man, society or nation over to a reprobate mind and sears their conscience. There is no more hope for repentance and salvation at this point! (Romans 1:28, I Tim. 4:2) Just as John told the "church leaders" of his day, and Christ told them in Luke 13:3, "Except ye (we) repent, ye (we) will all likewise perish"!!

Although this article is written for all of us in all areas of our lives, I want to narrow it down to the main point of this article: Man's insane foolishness in "his" reasoning in choosing a nation's leaders. Let me first say this without apology, votes do not count! As a wise individual once said, " If voting worked, it would be illegal." But I realize that most of us have to hold on to the false hope that we really can make a difference by pulling a lever, making a mark, punching a hole, or touching a name on a screen. Oh well, if it soothes our consciences......

Now having said that, haven't we all seen that with each and every administration our nation has sunken further into debt, tyranny and depravity?! Surely, anyone who desires to "see", can see that! If you are an honest individual, you will have to admit this truth, or cease being honest!

How many times have you heard it said, "Well, we have to vote for the lesser of evils"! I Cor 5:6 and Gal. 5:9 tells us that a little leaven poisons the whole "lump" (society)! I do understand that reasoning; I've been there, said that, and have committed that act against God and His Word!

People supported Lincoln because he said he was fighting to save the nation! He lied! His goal was to preserve the taxes the south provided. You say, well at least he freed the slaves! Another lie, Lincoln freed no slaves! He didn't even free the slaves in the North! These were freed after the war of Northern Aggression. He tried to ship all of the blacks out of the country!

Franklin Roosevelt, another American (idol) "saved us from the great depression that he helped create! He was a socialist that started America on the road to making government their caretaker and the "god" of plenty for all! That generation compromised for the sake of convience and security, and we lost a great many blessings in our Heavenly Father.

Johnson started the great society and war on poverty! How's that working out for you?

Bush saved us from terrorists by taking more of our freedoms! Working well, huh? But he was the lesser of evils! We all know Al Gore was simply awful!

Need I go on? Can you see the pattern of insanity we have fallen into? Indulge me just a little longer please?

Let's come up now to September 2016. All Christians and conservatives know for certain that Donald Trump is less evil than Hitlery Clinton! So, we have to play the game one more time to help turn our country around! Really?!!

Perhaps Trump is better on some issues like building a wall. He says he is pro-gun. Sounds good, huh? What else is he saying that makes him much different that Hitlery? Less taxes? Good for the "ole" pocket book, huh? Let's forget that he "used" to be pro-murder. Well, he's had a change of heart. Really? Bush was "pro-life". How many baby's lives did he save? Trump admits he is more pro-sodomite than "Hitlery"! He's had three wives! Oh yeah, I forgot, "it's the economy, stupid" like with Mr. Clinton. Right?

Let's see, Trump is better than "Hitlery" on some issues, so we have to vote for him! Forget God's clear instructions on how to choose our leader in Deut. 17:15-20! Let's once again appease our collective conscience and vote for our perceived lesser of evils! God surely understands! Mt. 6:33 says different, but.....

"Free elections of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves." -- Herbert Marcuse

You decide! God's way, or ours?

In Christ's Service,

Pastor Butch Paugh