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Venezuela Responds to Hillary's Ad Denigrating Hugo Chavez

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

Venezuela Responds to Hillary's Ad Denigrating Hugo Chavez

by Stephen Lendman

The ad disgracefully portrays Chavez as dictatorial like Hitler and Mussolini, denigrating Trump, claiming he's cut out of the same cloth - one of many examples showing how low Hillary's campaign is willing to stoop.

Targeting Latino voters in Spanish, it features Trump saying she should be jailed, along with criticizing pro-Hillary biased reporting.

Fact: Hillary remains unaccountable for numerous high crimes, serious enough to land ordinary people in prison longterm. Trump said, if elected in November, he'll appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her wrongdoing. 

He justifiably criticizes the most outrageous, one-sided political reporting in US history, relentlessly vilifying him while praising Hillary.

Her video irresponsibly portrays Chavez as authoritarian, ignoring his overwhelming popularity, his progressive Bolivarian Revolution, and Venezuela's electoral system. Jimmy Carter called it the world's best - shaming America's farcical process, fantasy democracy, not the real thing.

On Wednesday, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez issued a statement, calling Hillary's ad "an expression of racist arrogance and irrationality from a party that does not serve its constituents."

"Chavez is a leader who transcended our time for his democratic nature, his fight for the poor and universal feeling for humanity."

In 2012, following Chavez's reelection for a third term, Hillary's State Department congratulated Venezuelans - while privately supporting destabilization efforts.

A leaked email asked then-Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Arturo Valenzuela "to rein in Chavez," wanting his agenda undermined, saying "(w)e need to carefully consider the consequences of publicly confronting him but ought to look for opportunities for others in the region to help."

In response to budget increases for Voice of America and other worldwide US media propaganda operations, a leaked Hillary email said "(l)et the fun begin, and let's keep going (with) our plans" - urging efforts to destabilize and topple government's in Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China and other independent nations.

Hillary's chief of staff while secretary of state, Cheryl Mills, urged Mari Carmen Aponte's appointment as ambassador to El Salvador because she "consistently fought Cuba and Venezuela's efforts to gain influence in Central America…"

After fascists won control of Venezuela's National Assembly last December for the first time since Chavez's 1998 electoral victory, Hillary said "(w)e're winning."

She's hard core neocon, a Wall Street/war profiteer's dream, a threat to world peace - militantly wanting US-controlled puppet regimes forcefully replacing all sovereign independent governments.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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