Latest NYT Ad Hominem Attack on Putin

Written by Subject: Russia

Latest NYT Ad Hominem Attack on Putin

by Stephen Lendman

Throughout his tenure as Russia's president, he's been viciously and unjustifiably denigrated by US-led Western officials and their media scoundrel echo chamber - making repeated false accusations.

The NYT is especially outrageous, attacking him for responsibly challenging America's hegemonic ambitions along with defending Russia's sovereign rights.

On the one hand, The Times cheerleads America's ruthless imperial agenda, its endless wars of aggression, raping one nation after another, ignoring its highest of high crimes, its sham electoral system, a one-party state with two right wings, fantasy democracy, not the real thing, and contempt for rule of law principles.

On the other, it viciously and unjustifiably bashes legitimate governments Washington opposes - for wanting their sovereign independence respected, free from US imperial dominance, Russia a key example, Vladimir Putin America's public enemy number one for acting responsibly on the geopolitical stage.

Times editors go at him repeatedly and viciously, its latest editorial broadside despicably accusing him of "turning Russia into an outlaw nation," an absurdity on its face. 

America pretends to want peace in Syria while waging endless war for regime change. Putin genuinely seeks conflict resolution. US neocons undermine his forthright efforts, blaming him for their high crimes, media scoundrels repeating false accusations.

Times editors support Kerry's Big Lie, falsely claiming US warplanes accidentally massacred 82 Syrian soldiers, injuring scores more earlier this month - an act of willful mass murder. 

They lied, blaming Russia for the humanitarian convoy attack days later, carried out by US-supported terrorists. They lied about the downing of MH17, falsely blaming Russia for Ukraine's high crime complicit with Washington - stressing "the United States should lend its support to Ukraine's quest for accountability."

They lied, saying "(t)here seems no holding Mr. Putin to account in Syria," despicably claiming his forthright efforts for conflict resolution permitted "slaughter" to continue…backed by (nonexistent) Iranian ground troops."

They lied, claiming most jihadist terrorists in Aleppo are moderate rebels when none exist. They lied, saying Putin uses "bunker-busting bombs (on) underground hospitals and safety zones where civilians seek shelter."

They lied, blaming Russia and Syria for violating Geneva ceasefire terms - America and its terrorist foot soldiers entirely responsible.

They lied, claiming "Putin fancies himself a man on a mission to restore Russia to greatness…butchering civilians in Syria and Ukraine…"

A same day Times article lied, citing unnamed analysts, accusing Russia and Syria of targeting civilians in Aleppo to "driv(e) (nonexistent rebels) into the hands of extremists, (and) give Russia more leverage in diplomatic talks…"

The Times absurdly claimed Moscow aims to "persuade civilians to stop supporting (nonexistent) rebels."

Did the self-styled newspaper of record present any credible facts, backing up its accusations, either in its Putin-bashing editorial or accompanying article on Syria? Nothing legitimate editors would allow to be published - Russia-bashing propaganda only, truth and full disclosure entirely absent.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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