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NYT Endorses War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary for President

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

NYT Endorses War Criminal, Racketeer, Perjurer Hillary for President

by Stephen Lendman

Consistently on the wrong side of history, Times editors again showed it's exclusively a mouthpiece for wealth, power and privilege.

In January, it endorsed Hillary for Democrat party nomination, disgracefully calling her "one of the most deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern memory" - polar opposite cold, hard facts, ignoring her longstanding criminal rap sheet, making her unfit for any public office.

On September 24, its editors acted again as expected, endorsing Hillary for president, the most ruthlessly dangerous aspirant in US history - calling Trump "the worst nominee…by a major party" - to be discussed in a forthcoming editorial.

The Times lost credibility long ago. It's hard imagining why anyone takes it seriously - featuring managed news misinformation and Big Lies on all issues mattering most, notably geopolitical ones, despicably bashing sovereign independent states and their leaders, supporting all US wars of aggression.

The self-styled newspaper of record is a press agent for US wars on humanity, Wall Street, corporate empowerment and police state harshness - neocon-run America a modern-day Third Reich with nukes and intercontinental ballistic missiles, not shy about using them.

Times editors shamelessly said their endorsement "is rooted in respect for (Hillary's) intellect, experience, toughness and courage over a career of almost continuous public service" since the 1990s.

Disgracefully they called her "a determined leader intent on creating opportunity for struggling Americans at a time of economic upheaval and on ensuring that the United States remains a force for good in an often brutal world."

Fact: Her record shows contempt for ordinary Americans, especially its poor and most vulnerable. She and husband Bill pushed relentlessly for jobs-destroying NAFTA enactment and so-called welfare reform harming millions.

Earlier she called TPP "the gold standard" of trade bills. Opponents call it NAFTA on steroids, intending unimpeded corporate empowerment at the expense of the public welfare, fundamental freedoms and ecosanity.

She supported husband Bill's Balkan wars, the rape of Yugoslavia, all US post-9/11 wars of aggression, neoliberal harshness benefitting Wall Street and other corporate predators, along with police state crackdowns on nonbelievers.

Time editors praised her nonexistent "record of service to children, women and families," ignoring her fealty to monied interests at the expense of popular ones if enacted into law.

No presidential aspirant in US history posed a greater threat to world peace and humanity's survival. None more greatly relished endless wars, mass slaughter and destruction.

None more deceitfully breached virtually every promise made. None more consistently lied about everything important. None was more terrifyingly treacherous - none more despicably on the wrong side of all issues mattering most.

No one stands out more as unfit to serve, a testimony to her Machiavellian pure evil. Everything Times editors praised her for is polar opposite hard truths.

Saying she believes America "must engage confidently in the world to protect its interests and be true to its values, which include helping other escape poverty and oppression" is polar opposite its ruthless agenda. 

Hillary has been one of its lead malefactors for the last generation, deserving Nuremberg-style judgment, accountability for the supreme crime against peace too grave to ignore.

Times editors saying her "commitment to solving problems in the real world qualifies" her for president ignores a ruthless she-devil, likely to wage preemptive nuclear war as president, threatening life on earth like never before.

Is this the type leader humanity deserves, her finger on the nuclear trigger if anointed president - eager to squeeze it at her discretion?

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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