Will Power Brokers Running America Stick with Hillary?

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

Will Power Brokers Running America Stick with Hillary?

by Stephen Lendman

A separate article called her unfit to serve. Aside from moral, ethical and legal issues surrounding her, she's clearly ill, maybe seriously enough to cause collapse and disability, rendering her unable to serve.

Her illness may be life-threatening. It's unclear because she won't release full information on her health status. 

Federal legislation is needed requiring presidential candidates to undergo thorough independent physical and emotional examinations to determine their ability to handle the rigors of the nation's highest office.

It requires stamina, endurance and sound judgment to handle. Hillary's emotional instability alone should disqualify her from running. Her illness and physical frailty should rule her out.

Age isn't the issue. She'll be 69 in October. Lots of individuals are healthy and active at that age and older.

I began writing and doing media work at nearly age 71, a second pro bono career in retirement, still active at it years later, putting in long hours daily, weekdays and weekends, including holidays.

World leaders past and present served well into their senior years. At the same time, poor health should automatically disqualify any aspirant for a nation's highest office - especially America, the world's dominant power.

Clinton, her campaign, and the DNC will likely continue refusing full disclosure of her health issues. Will most voters ignore it and support her in November? 

Will power brokers rig things to anoint her regardless of her apparent physical and emotional inability to serve? Will supportive media scoundrels continue downplaying the seriousness of installing a feeble, ill leader, vulnerable to collapse at any time?

As president and commander-in-chief of America's military, she'll have her finger on its nuclear trigger? Will she squeeze it during a period of emotional instability or illness preventing sound judgment?

Will she willfully, inadvertently or accidentally launch nuclear war? Is she the type leader Americans and humanity deserve in power? Can we tolerate someone unfit to serve in so many ways? 

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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