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Farcical NBC News Commander-in-Chief Presidential Forum

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

Farcical NBC News Commander-in-Chief Presidential Forum

by Stephen Lendman

On Wednesday evening, NBC News held what it called "a presidential forum featuring Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump" - both candidates appearing separately, "answering questions related to the military and national security."

Promoted as a preview of upcoming so-called presidential debates on September 26, October 4 and 9 (undemocratically prohibiting independent candidates from participating), it was more farcical than factual, notably during Hillary's segment.

She lied vowing not to send US combat troops to Iraq "ever again." Thousands are already there, likely more coming, especially with her as commander-in-chief.

She lied about putting no US troops in Syria. Unknown numbers are there illegally along with covert CIA operatives, directing and supporting terrorist fighters, helping them commit atrocities against Syrian civilians along with combating its military.

She lied about her nonexistent role in killing bin Laden. So did Obama. He died at yearend 2001 of natural causes in a Pakistani hospital, widely reported at the time.

She lied about calling the defeat of ISIS her "highest counterterrorism goal." America created and supports the group, along with all other likeminded ones. She as secretary of state actively supported them.

Separately, she repeatedly lied about her email scandal and Clinton Foundation operations. She proved nothing she says is credible. Like Obama, she's a serial liar, both guilty of major wrongdoing.

Each candidate got 30 minutes Wednesday night, appearing separately, Trump winning a coin flip, choosing to follow Clinton's remarks.

Trump-bashing critics accused moderator Matt Lauer of being tougher on her than him - meaning they want her given a free ride, he a hard time to vilify him.

These type events, like upcoming presidential debates, reflect poor theater, featuring lots of posturing and little, if any, substance, smoke without fire, viewers and listeners provided no information on where the candidates stand on vital world and national issues.

America's political process is so irreparably debauched beyond fixing, no matter who succeeds Obama, ordinary people everywhere lose.

The difference between Hillary and Trump is he's more interested in exploiting planet earth for profit than destroying it by nuclear war or other means.

Her rage for US global dominance risks the unthinkable - possible, maybe likely WW III with nuclear weapons threatening humanity's survival.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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