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Hillary's Deplorable VP Choice

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

Hillary's Deplorable VP Choice

by Stephen Lendman

Neither wing of America's duopoly system has acceptable choices for any public office.

The horror of Clinton and Trump as standard bearers for their parties shows a debauched system too irreparable to fix. Their VP choices provide further evidence.

Trump running mate Mike Pence is a neocon Tea Party hardliner, an imperial war cheerleader, an evangelical supporter of Israel's worst crimes, an anti-progressive.

Clinton's VP choice, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, is cut from the same mold - pro-war, pro-Wall Street, pro-corporate favoritism, pro-neoliberal harshness, pro-regressive trade deals like TPP, anti-labor rights, pro-serving wealth and power interests at the expense of most others.

A survey of Sanders' delegates found him 88.5% unacceptable, less than 3% acceptable. Norman Solomon calls him "a loyal servant of oligarchy."

Progressive Democrats of America executive director Donna Smith said "Kaine does not inspire those many millions of energetic voters…to work for a Clinton-Kaine ticket."

According to economist William K. Black, "Kaine, like Clinton herself, is a quintessential 'New Democrat' - meaning they are allies of Wall Street. They embrace a neoliberal, pro-corporate outlook that has done incredible damage to the vast majority of Americans."

Announcing her choice, Clinton lied calling Kaine "a lifelong fighter for progressive causes and one of the most qualified vice presidential candidates in our nation's history."

His voting record shows otherwise, revealing a right-wing party loyalist, an anti-populist establishment figure, a thumb in the eye to progressive issues.

Two anti-populist tickets give voters no choice in November, each for policies harming the interests of ordinary people.

One observer tweeted "(s)uggested Clinton/Kaine campaign slogan: 'Status quo…with lots more wars.' "

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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