Neocons Want Iran Nuclear Deal Rescinded

Written by Subject: Iran

Neocons Want Iran Nuclear Deal Rescinded

by Stephen Lendman

In a Monday Independent Journal op-ed, neocon House Speaker Paul Ryan claimed Obama "misled the American people on the Iran (nuclear) deal…Everything about (it) is starting to unravel."

Nothing supports his baseless claims. Tehran's best faith efforts along with four of the other P5 countries plus Germany may go for naught if neocons infesting Washington get their way.

Longstanding US policy toward Iran remains hostile - solely for its sovereign independence, unrelated to its nuclear program, well known to be peaceful without a military component or intention to have one.

Ryan and likeminded neocons want Iran kept isolated, the nuclear deal rescinded and regime change actively pursued. He opposes even modest changes in longstanding hostile policy.

He repeated the tired old canard about nonexistent Iranian "destabilizing activities" - turning truth on its head, saying Tehran remains "defiant and emboldened…continu(ing) to sponsor terrorism across the regime…and abuse the basic rights of its citizens."

He bashed its legal right to develop and test ballistic missiles, failing to explain they're solely for defense, not war on other states.

Throughout its history, Iran never attacked another country. America partnered with NATO, Israel and other rogue states wage endless imperial wars against nonbelligerent nations.

"Time alone will tell whether the nuclear agreement stops Iran from getting the bomb," Ryan blustered - instead of explaining Israel is the only nuclear armed and dangerous regional state.

Its longstanding policy calls for using any weapons in its arsenal at its discretion against adversaries it calls threatening.

Ryan like other US neocons and Israeli fascists call the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) "a bad deal."

"Before this president leaves office, we must do everything possible to prevent his administration from making further concession to Iran," he ranted.

He favors new sanctions, illegal unless Security Council imposed, a flagrant JCPOA breach if done unilaterally.

He and likeminded Republicans will present "an overarching vision for our national security" in the weeks ahead - claiming it's "to keep the peace, protect our homeland, and make the world a safer place for this generation and the next."

No nation threatens world peace and humanity's survival more than America. None more ruthlessly wages endless wars of aggression.

The Iran nuclear deal is jeopardized no matter who succeeds Obama. America can't be trusted. Its word isn't its bond.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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