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Iraq in Turmoil

Written by Subject: Iraq

Iraq in Turmoil

by Stephen Lendman

Public anger over unchecked corruption while popular needs go begging may be the undoing of Washington's puppet regime.

On Saturday, thousands breached the heavily fortified Green Zone. Hundreds entered parliament. Protesters want revolutionary change, current ministers replaced with new ones, no action so far taken.

One protester likely spoke for others, shouting "(y)ou are not staying here. This is your last day in the Green Zone."

Another said "(w)e are fed up. We are living a humiliated life. We'll leave here only when the corrupt government is replaced with another of independent technocrats that serve the people, not the political parties."

Late Saturday, protesters reportedly left parliament, began a sit-in at Ihtifalat Square inside the Green Zone.

They were mostly peaceful. A celebratory atmosphere prevailed - waving Iraqi flags, jumping and dancing on parliament meeting tables and chairs.

Minor damage to state property was reported. Hours later, Abadi issued a statement, claiming conditions in Baghdad were "under the control of the security forces."

Parliament speaker Salim al-Juburi called corrupt MPs "representatives of the people and their servants," a shameless perversion of truth.

Abadi ludicrously ordered security forces to arrest and prosecute protesters responsible for threatening the safety of lawmakers and damaging state property.

Influential cleric Muqtada al-Sadr blasted parliamentarians for "refus(ing) to end corruption and end quotas," adding he and his supporters won't participate in "any political process in which there are any type…of political party quotas" filling ministerial and other regime positions.

Middle East analyst Zaid al-Ali MPs and Abadi's regime aren't capable of reforming. "They will always defend privilege." What happened Saturday "was entirely predictable."

On Thursday, Joe Biden visited Baghdad, a fool's mission to support Washington's puppet regime, maintain the phony pretext of combating ISIS while attempting to calm political unrest - exploding when he left.

Before his arrival, a senior administration official called his visit a "symbol of how much faith (Washington) ha(s) in prime minister Abadi" - illegitimately appointed, widely despised.

Former US military planner in Baghdad Doug Ollivant said hopes for Abadi surviving the political crisis faded. His regime "as it's currently structured can't hold."

If he falls, Washington will install another puppet to replace him. The only required qualifications are serving US interests, maintaining order and subduing public unrest successfully.

It's been ongoing intermittently for nearly a year. On Saturday, it boiled over - the legacy of America's imperial ruthlessness.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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