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Trump Bashing Reaches Epic Proportions

Written by Subject: Philosophy: Fascism

Trump Bashing Reaches Epic Proportions

by Stephen Lendman

Ideologically he's over-the-top like all other duopoly power presidential aspirants, supporting the same dirty business as usual agenda.

His unorthodox campaigning against the grain sounding anti-establishment put him at odds with Republican power brokers.

They're committed to anyone but him - with, as expected, echo chamber scoundrel media backing. Bashing him virtually drowns out other news.

A separate article discussed Republican desperation in hauling out failed presidential aspirant Mitt Romney, a vulture capital predator profiting from asset-stripping companies and mass-firings to cut costs.

The March 4 Washington Post edition published an astonishing nine anti-Trump opinion pieces in one issue, plus other reports with a distinct anti-Trump flavor.

New York Times editors bash him relentlessly, while shamelessly supporting war goddess Hillary Clinton, their latest broadside citing an open letter from 95 so-called Republican national security experts, declaring "united…opposition to a Donald Trump presidency," followed by a volley of pejoratives.

Claiming Trump's agenda makes America less safe ignores endless post-9/11 US wars of aggression, raging in multiple theaters, Obama more belligerent than Bush, Hillary Clinton to continue his ruthlessness on steroids if elected president.

Times op-ed columnist Charles Blow blasted Trump with a volley of pejoratives, most applicable to the array of despicable aspirants, calling him "nativist, sexist…fascist," demagogic, "oddly entertaining, vacuous…vain, disarming and terrifyingly dangerous."

Wall Street Journal contributor, former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal was over-the-top claiming Obama created Trump, his support stemming from "deficiencies of the incumbent."

The political silly season usually runs from early summer to the beginning of autumn in election years - characterized by demagogic and hyperbolic posturing.

It's been raging now since Trump declared his candidacy for president in mid-June last year - with comments like America "has become a dumping ground for everybody's problems."

"(W)e have no protection and we have no competence. We don't know what's happening. (I)t's got to stop, and it's got to stop fast."

Things have been downhill since then. Expect ferocious Trump bashing to continue, bipartisan campaigning and media coverage ignoring vital issues.

What matters most to Americans goes unaddressed. No matter who succeeds Obama next January, monied interests exclusively will continue being served at the expense of popular ones.

The state of America is deplorable, a nation unfit to live in except for its privileged few.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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